Sunday, December 6, 2009


Posted by George Soepboer Sr.

We must do all things with God, but we must not always wait for an answer from God.

Nothing can be accomplished anywhere without God, for we have no power within ourselves without God. We receive life within from God when the spirit is placed within our body by God, for then the breath of life comes within us from God.
( Genesis 2:7 ).

And we are sustained on this world by God until our body dies and then our spirit returns to God.
( Ecclesiastes 12:7 ).

However, people have received the ability and power from God to obey God, or to disobey God.
( Genesis 2:15-17 ).

If we wish to obey God then we must do everything with God, however, we must not only do things with God to obey God, but we must also have a willing heart and mind to seek to do the will of God.
( Matthew 6:10 ).

However, we must not always seek for a answer from God when we seek the will of God, but we must use the commonsense that we have received within from God to do things right on this world for God. But sometimes we must wait for a answer from God before we act to do anything for God. And sometimes we must do things in faith without using the commonsense that we have received within from God. However, whatever we do we must do it with God, for whatever we do without God is sin against God.
( Romans 14:23 ).

Much of the times we know what is the will of God therefore we do not have to seek a answer from God, for most of the time we know the answer from God, because that knowledge is created within all people by God.
( Romans 1:18-32 ).

All of that knowledge is placed within people by God when they were created by God, for people are made in the image of God.
( Genesis 1:26-27 ).

However, we cannot do anything without God for all life comes from God, there is no life apart from God. If people live and act as if we can do without God then they live like the creatures on this world that are not created in the image of God, for them creatures have no knowledge of God. But all people have knowledge of God and all people know that they need God, for all people are created with knowledge by God. Therefore we must never oppress that knowledge within us from God for if we oppress that knowledge within then we are not sustained by God, for then we remove ourselves from God.
( Romans 1:18-32 ).

People are also created by God to have dominion over everything that is created by God.
( Genesis 1:26-28 ).

Therefore people are not like other creatures that are created by God, but people are created with the ability to know God and to live for God, and people are created with the ability by God to live in friendship and fullness on this world with God, for people can communicate with God by talking to God.
( Genesis 3:8-10 ).

We must always use commonsense for that is the will of God, but we must use the reasoning of our mind under the leading hand of God, for if we only use the reasoning of our brain without the leading of God then we will do things that are against the will of God. As we can see in the life of King David when he wanted to build a temple for God. Commonsense told King David to build a temple for God. Also the prophet Nathan agreed with King David to build a temple for God, for commonsense told those people that it was the right thing to do for God. But those people were wrong for it was not the will of God.
( 2 Samuel 7:1-17 ).

Joshua also made that mistake when he used the reasoning of his mind but did not seek wisdom by God and did not wait for a answer from God when he made a treaty with the enemies of God. Joshua used commonsense but he did it without the help of God, therefore he did not make the right decision but he disobeyed God.
( Joshua chapter 9 ).

There are many things that we must do and can do without asking God, for most of the time we know what is the will of God for we have that knowledge within from God, but there are also many things in our life when we do not know how to obey God then we must ask for wisdom from God, and then we must wait for answer from God.
( James 1:5-8 ).

When we seek wisdom from God and we receive a answer from God then we must obey God. Also when we do not understand the way of God we must believe God and we must obey God. That is what Noah did when he builds the ark for God, Noah did not build upon commonsense but he obeyed God for it was a order from God.
( Genesis 6:9-22 ).

That is also what Moses did when Moses was told by God to lead the people of God out of Egypt into the promised land of God. Moses did not use his own ability and means to do that work for God when he received that order from God, for it was not within his power to do that work for God. But Moses obeyed God, for he believed that all things are in the power of God.
( Exodus chapter 3 )( Exodus chapter 4 ).

That is also what Joshua did when God told His people to walk around the walls of Jericho to destroy that wicked city for God. Joshua did not use reasoning and commonsense to destroy that wicked city for God, but Joshua believed God and obeyed God.
( Joshua chapter 6 ).

We must always use commonsense and the reasoning of our mind for that is the will of God but we must do it with God, for if we are not doing things with God then we can find ourselves working against God. The prophet Samuel used the reasoning of his mind and commonsense to select a king for the people of God when he was told by God to select a king for the people of God, but his choice was not the will of God.
( 1 Samuel 16:1-13 ).

Gideon also used commonsense and reasoning when he gathering many people to win the battle for God, but Gideon’s reasoning and commonsense was not the way and will of God.
( Judges chapter 7 ).

We must always obey God when we receive a command from God, also when our reasoning cannot comprehend the way of God and we cannot grasp the reasoning of God we must obey God. The Jewish people did not live by their commonsense and reasoning when they received a command from God to walk through the sea but they obeyed God.
( Exodus chapter 14 ).

People must make use of their mind for our reasoning is created within us by God, but we may not do it without God, for no-one can do anything without God.
( James 4:13-17 ).

We may not allow our commonsense to stand between us and the leading of the Holy Spirit within us of God, whatever we do in our life we must always be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit within us of God.
( Acts 16:6-10 ).

Also when we are busy doing things on this world for God then we must not do what we think and believe is the right thing to do for God, but we must obey the Holy Spirit within us of God, for only then do we live for God.
( Romans 8:14 ).

We must always live by the Spirit within us of God, for our feelings and thoughts may not be the will of God. On the contrary for our feelings and believes can lead us away from God, and the feelings and believes of others will also lead us astray from God, therefore we must always open our mind to the Holy Spirit within us of God, for only then do we obey God.
( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

The apostle Peter did not think and believe that it was the will of God to include the gentiles in the gospel of God and make them part of the kingdom of God, for he believed it was only for the Jewish people to belong to the kingdom of God. But Peter was wrong for he was told by God that Jesus the Son of God also died for those people to become part of the kingdom of God. Then Peter set aside his reasoning and his feelings and then Peter obeyed the Holy Spirit within him of God for that was the will and way of God.
( Acts 10:9-23 )( Acts 11:1-18 ).

We must always make use of our reasoning and our feelings for that intuition we have received within from God. But we also must live by the Holy Spirit within us of God, for if we only depend on our natural feelings then we will do things that are not the will of God and then we may not find ourselves walking on the way of God, for our impulse and reasoning and feelings can sometimes stand between us and God, for our reasoning is not always the way of God.
( Isaiah 55:8-9 ).

There are times that we must pray for a answer from God and wait for a answer from God before we do things that we think is the will of God. When we receive a answer within from God then we must not delay to do the will of God but then we must obey God and place our faith in God. Also when things do not look right to us and feel right to us we must obey God.
( Hebrews 10:38 ).

However, there are also times we must not pray for a answer from God, but we must use our commonsense and do what we know is the will and way of God, for that is a gift we as people all have received within from God. If we do not make use of that intuition within us from God then we live for satan, not for God.
( Romans 1:18-21 ).

However, we must always humble ourselves before God and do things with God, for we all need God. Pride may never enter into our heart for all pride is hated by God, and all pride will someday be removed by God, for all pride stands between people and God, and all pride hinders us from bringing true glory to the greatness and power of God.
( Isaiah 2:12-22 ).

We must do all things humbly for God and with God, not only when we feel down and wish to be lifted up by God must we do things with God, but also when we feel strong we must do things with God. When things are good or bad we must always live humbly with God, for we must not only live humble with God because we wish to be blessed by God, but we also must live humble with God to honor God, for we are nothing without God. All people together are less then nothingness compared to God, we cannot even take a breath of air without God, for everything everywhere is empowered and controlled by God.
( Psalms 62:9 )( Isaiah 40:17 )( Daniel 4:35 ).

We must always have faith in God for we must always trust God, because only when we trust and love God do we live for God. But true faith in God does not seek to claim things by God, but true faith in God humbles oneself before God.
( Psalms 22:6 ).

If through positive thinking we seek to claim things by God than we live for satan, not for God, for that is the work of satan it has nothing to do with trusting faith in God. All positive thinking and self-confidence is self-worship it is sin against God. True faith in God humbles oneself before God and seeks for mercy by God. By positive thinking and self-confidence we act as if we are like God, for then we act as if we have creative faith like God.
Creative faith only belongs to God, if people did have a speck of creative faith then they are able to change the creation of God, because then they have power like God.
( Matthew 17:20 ).

Adam and Eve looked for that power of God when they allowed themselves to be fooled by satan, But Adam and Eve did not become like God, but they removed themselves from God when they wanted to be like God.
( Genesis 3:1-6 ).

Through positive thinking and self-confidence people open their mind to satan for then they obey satan and therefore fall in the same sin as Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God.
( James 4:13-17 ).

We must obey God by only placing our faith and our hope in God. If we have faith in ourselves or anyone else or anything else beside God then we live for satan, not for God, for then we live for man made gods. Someday all of them man made god’s will be removed by people when they see the glory and greatness of God, and then all people who have lived by them man made god’s will hide themselves from the anger and wrath of God, because they sinned against God.
( Isaiah 2:18-21 ).

Some Christians receive special gifts from God, but everything we receive from God is not by our great faith in God, but is a gift from God.
( 1 Corinthians chapter 12 ).

Many people who call themselves Christians and claim to have great power from God live for satan, not for God, they receive their power from satan not from God, but satan reveals himself a angel from God.
( John 8:44 )( 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ).

Those people are used by satan to lead people away from God, and to remove Christians from God.
( Matthew 7:15-23 )( Matthew 24:11 )
( Matthew 24:24-25 )( Mark 13:22 ).

But those false preacher claim that they are send among the people of God by God, but they are placed there by satan, not by God.
( Jeremiah 23:16-22 ).

We must never surrender to their voices but we must only listen to the voice within us from God, and we must obey that voice within us from God, for only then are doing the will of God.
( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

We must do all things prayerfully with God, and we must only put our faith in God, and then we must trust God. But we will never be like God, and we will never understand the ways of God and the fullness of God, for if we are able to understand the greatness of God then we are like God. Jesus Christ the Son of God also did not know everything that is known by God and known about God, for no-one is like God, and no-one will ever be like God.
( Matthew 24:36 ).

No-one has knowledge of God and the greatness of God, for all of the people together cannot begin to understand a little about God and the ways of God, for we cannot not comprehend God and the workings of God.
( Job 38:4 )( Ecclesiastes 3:11 )( Ecclesiastes 8:17 )
( Isaiah 40:12-18 )( Isaiah 40:28 )
( Isaiah 55:8-9 )( Romans 11:33-36 ).

People have no understanding of God for all people together are less then nothingness compared to God.
( Psalms 62:9 )( Isaiah 40:17 )( Daniel 4:35 ).

There are no faults by God for only perfection is the nature of God, and all things everywhere are controlled by God, therefore we must always obey and trust God. Also when we do not understand God and when we do not understand the workings of God we must always place our trust in God and we must always surrender our will to God, for only the Lord God is God there are no other gods. Therefore we must always trust God for everything everywhere is controlled by God.
( Psalms 46:10 ).

If our heart is open to God and we surrender our will to God then we live in the center of the will of God. If we live in the center of the will of God then we will always be with God and then we are full of the grace of God, and then we are always surrounded by the love of God.
( Matthew 6:25-34 ).

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