Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Posted by George Soepboer Sr.

Our spirit cannot die for our spirit is created to live forever in glory with God or be punished in hell apart from God.

People are created in three parts by God, we have a body, and a spirit, and a soul, that is the way we are created by God.
( Isaiah 26:9 )( 1 Thessalonians 5:23 ).

In all of our completeness we must love God. Therefore by the strength of our body we must show our love for God, and by our soul that is our mind and our will we must love God, and with our spirit that is our heart and feelings we must love God.
( Deuteronomy 6:5 )( Mark 12:30 ).

When our body dies then our spirit leaves our body to a place prepared by God until we receive a new body from God at the resurrection of our body by God, for then our spirit will move into our new body that we will receive from God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 )( Revelation 20:4-6 ).

There are two places prepared for the spirits of man and woman by God, one is in glory with God, and the other place is in the horror of hell apart from God.
( Matthew 13: 41-43 )( Luke 16:19-31 ).

When we live on this world in harmony with God then our spirit will rest in glory with God.
( Revelation 6:9-11 ).

But when we did not live on this world in harmony with God then our spirit will end up in hell, and there our spirit will be tormented by God.
( Matthew 24:45-51 )

The spirits in hell will be kept under that punishment of God until the last judgment-day of God.
( 2 Peter 2:4-9 ).

However, at the last judgment-day of God they will receive a opportunity from God to repent of their sins by God and to be accepted in glory by God. But if they refuse to accept that grace of God then they will be tormented in the lake of fire forever by God.
( Revelation 20:11-15 ).

The punishment of hell is not only for the angels that have disobeyed God but also for all the people who disobey God.
( 2 Peter 2:4-17 )( Jude 1:25 ).

In the old testament
The name nether world, or nether gloom, or under world, or sheol, or pit.
Are used for the place of punishment for the death by God.
( Psalms 9:17 )( Psalms 55:15 )
( Psalms 86 13 )( Psalms 116:3 )
( Proverbs 5:5 )( Proverbs 7: 27 )
( Proverbs 9: 18 )( Proverbs 23: 13-14 ).
( Isaiah 14: 9.10.15 )( Isaiah 28:15 )( Isaiah 28:18 ).
( Ezekiel 31:16 )( Ezekiel 32: 17-30 ).

In the new testament
The name of Hades and hell is used for the place of punishment for the death by God.
( Luke 16:22-23 )( Acts 2:17 )( Revelation 6:8 )
( Revelation 20: 14 ).( Matthew 5:22 )
( Matthew 5: 29-30 )( Matthew 18: 8-9 )
( Luke 12: 5 ).

Our body dies because we all have sinned against God that is the punishment of our sins by God.
( Romans 3:23 )( Romans 5:12 ).

But our spirit will never die but it will return to God to be judged by God.
( Ecclesiastes 12:7 ).

The people that die and did not live on this world for God their spirits are alive in hell and there they are punished by God, hell will be their prison until the last judgment-day of God.
( 1 Peter 3:19 ).

However, those spirits of the people that are in hell can be forgiven of their sins by God at the last judgment-day of God if they repent of their sins at the last judgment-day of God.
That is why the Son of God after He arose from the death preached to those spirit in hell the tell them that they can also be forgiven of their sins by God if they repent of their sins by God and accept the salvation of God through Jesus the Son of God at the last judgment-day of God.
( 1 Peter 3:18-20 )( 1 Peter 4:5-6 ).

For Jesus the Son of God also died for their sins by God, for the Son of God paid for the sins of all people by God.
( 1 Peter 3:18 ).

All the spirits in hell will remain in hell until the last judgment-day of God, then those spirits will have opportunity to repent of their sins by God and accept Jesus the Son of God as their only hope to be forgiven of their sins by God. But anyone who refuses to humble themselves at the last judgment-day of God and will not accept the Son of God as their only hope to God will then be forever punished in the lake of fire by God.
( Revelation 20:11-15 ).

That is the reason the living Christians on this world can be baptized with water for the death to have their sins forgiven by God at the last judgment-day of God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:29 ).

But the spirit of the people who belong to God through Jesus Christ the Son of God and have lived on this world for God will be in heaven with God.
( Revelation 6:9-11 ).

When Jesus the Son of God returns to this world by the power of God then all of the spirit that are in heaven with God will return with Jesus the Son of God, and their death bodies will be risen by God and they will receive an spiritual body from God with all of the other Christians that still live on this world at the return of the Jesus the Son of God, for all of their bodies will also be turned into a spiritual body by God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 )

But the spirits who are in hell will not be removed from hell at the return of Jesus the Son of God, but they will be kept under the punishment in hell by God to the last judgment-day of God.
( 2 Peter 2:9 ).

All of the people in hell who will repent of their sins by God at the last judgment-day of God are written in the book of life from God before this world was created by God, for they were known by God before this world was created by God that they who would repent of their sins at the last judgment-day of God, for all things are known by God.
( Revelation 20:14-15 ).

Before people are born on this world it is known by God who will repent of their sins by God. Therefore their names are written in the book of life by God before this world was created by God, but some of those people who have their name written in that book of life by God will not repent of their sins by God and humble themselves before God until the last judgment-day of God after they are punished for their sins in hell by God.
( Revelation 13:8 )( Revelation 17:8 ).

But all the other people who do not repent of their sins by God and are not willing to humble themselves before God will end up in the lake of fire to be punished forever by God, for those people will never repent of their sins by God and humble themselves before God, that was also known by God before this world was created by God. Therefore those people will be tormented with satan who they loved instead of loving God.
( Revelation 20:10 ).

The lake of fire is the second death for the people who have received a new body at the- resurrection from hell by God and did not repent of their sins by God, for then their body will die again and their spirit will be forever alive in the lake of fire for that is the place they chose instead of living in glory forever with God. For the everlasting punishment from God is for anyone who loves satan and hates God.
( Matthew 25:41 )( Revelation 20:10 )
( Revelation 20:14 )

There is no anguish and suffering on this world that can be compared with the horror of punishment in hell from God, for on this world we are always with God and we can always call on God for help by God, but in hell people are completely separated from God.
( Matthew 8:11-12 )( Matthew 13:36-43 )
( Matthew 13:47-50 )( Matthew 22:13 )
( Matthew 25:30 ).

Again, our earthly body will die because we sinned against God, but our spirit will live forever for that is the way we are created by God.
( Matthew 22:32 )( Mark 12:26-27 )
( Luke 20:37-38 ).

Again, when our earthly body dies then our spirit will live in hell if on this world we have not obeyed God, but our spirit will live in heaven with God if on this world we have obeyed God.
.( Luke 16:19-28 )( Revelation 6:9-11 ).

But our earthly body will become a spiritual body at the resurrection of our earthly body by God, and then our spirit will be united with our new spiritual body that we receive from God. When we receive a spiritual body from God then we are complete to live forever in the glory of God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:35-55 ).

However, the first resurrection from God is only for the people who accept Jesus Christ the Son of God as their only life line to God and have lived on this world for God. Not for the people that have not lived for God for all of those people will not be part of the first resurrection of God.
( Revelation 20:4-6 ).

Again our body dies but our spirit is never death for our spirit will be with God if we have lived on this world for God.
( 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 )( Philippians 1:21-24 ).

We live forever for that is the way we are created by God.
( Matthew 22:32 )( Mark 12:27 ).

We pass from this life through the gates of death into a glorious life with God if we have lived on this world for God.

Or we pass from this life through the gates of death into a place called hell away from the love of God when we have not lived on this world for God.

The way to eternal life in glory with God is not a easy way to walk for it is hard on this world to live for God, but it will be rewarded by God.
( Luke 13:24 ).

The way to hell is a easy way to walk for that life does require any special commitment to God.
But at the end of that life we will be condemned by God.
( Matthew 7:13-14 ).

But whoever is willing to walk the hard way to heaven by God will be strengthened by God.
( Psalms 23:4 )

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