Friday, December 4, 2009


Posted by George Soepboer Sr.Align Left

The reproduction of people comes by the power of God, but not always by the will of God.
Because, some people are born by the will of people
And some people are born by the will of God.
( John 1:13 )

There is only One God that God is the Almighty Lord God.
( Deuteronomy 6:4 )( Mark 12:29 )( John 17:3 )
( 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 )( 1 Timothy 2:5 ).

There are no limits by God. There is also no place anywhere without God, everywhere there is God, in all of eternity there is God. All things everywhere are also known to God. And all things everywhere are controlled by God.
( Psalms 139:118 ).

There is no beginning or end to the Lord the Almighty God, for the Almighty Lord God is eternal God.
( Revelation 1:8 ).

We have no understanding of God for our minds can never comprehend God. We also have no understanding of the ways of God. No one can even begin to explore the way things are controlled by God.
( Job 38:1-4 )( Ecclesiastes 3:11 )( Ecclesiastes 8:17 )
( Isaiah 40:12-18 )( Isaiah 40:28 )
( Isaiah 55:8-9 )( Romans 11:33-36 ).

All the people on the world together are less than nothingness compared to God, therefore we will never understand God. We also will never understand the way that God works in the things that are created by God.
( Psalms 62:9 )( Daniel 4:35 )
( Isaiah 40:15-17 ).

There is only one power and that power is God, nothing can exist without the power of God, and no one can exist without the power of God. We all need the power of God to exist in the creation of God, for all creation is empowered by God. Evil and good exist by the power of God.
( Isaiah 45:7-9 )( Matthew 28:18 )
( John 17:2 )( Job 2:6 ).

Nothing did exist without the power of God, and nothing does exist without the power of God, and nothing will ever exist without the power of God, for there is only one power and that power is God.
( Mark 14:62 ).

All things are from God, and all things are through God, and all things are for God.
( Romans 11:36 )( 1 Corinthians 8:6 )
( Ephesians 4:6 ).

We may not name the Lord God to identify the Lord God, for the Lord God is the Only God. There are no other gods beside the Lord God.( Exodus 3:13-15 ).

We can do nothing without God, but people have received power from God to do things right or wrong on this world of God.
( Genesis 2:15-17 ).

We have received power from God to reject or accept the will and way of God, but we never have the power to over power God, for everything on this world is controlled by God. The evil and the good is controlled by God.
( Genesis 50:20 )

There is nothing that takes place anywhere and at anytime without the knowledge of God. Even the hairs on every persons body are numbered by God.
( Matthew 10:30 ).

Also the stars in heaven are all numbered and named by God.
( Psalms 147: 4 )( Isaiah 40:26 ).

However, people are made responsible by God to control everything on this world for God. People are not like the rest of creation, for people are made in the image of God, not like God, but in the image of God. Therefore people have received the power from God to rule everything on this world for God.
(Genesis I: 26:28)

People also have received a free will from God to love and honor God, or to dishonor God. All people know that we are created by God, people also know everything else on this world is created by God and that everything belongs to God. Every person on this world also knows that we must obey God and submit ourselves to God, for that knowledge is created within all people by God.
( Romans 1:18-22 ).

People are not commanded by God to obey God, but people have received the freedom from God to love God or to turn their back on God. That is the reason why the tree of good and evil was placed in the garden of Eden by God, The tree of good and evil was placed there by God to test the first people if they truly loved God and wish to obey God, or if they did not truly love God and did not wish to obey God. Without that freedom from God people were not able to show their love for God. Therefore people have received the freedom from God to surrender their will to God, or reject the will of God.
( Genesis 2:15-17 ).

That rule stands for all people on this world, for this whole world is a testing place to see if we are willing to love and obey God, or if we will turn our back on God.
( Genesis 4:6-7 )( Deuteronomy 30:15-20 ).

People have the responsibility to rule and manage everything on this world for God. But people cannot do without the power of God to do that work for God. However, people can do things with the power of God without submitting themselves to God. But when people do not submit themselves to God when they perform their responsibility on this for God then they are not blessed by God for then have turned their back on God. When people turn their back on God then they are cursed by God for then they have polluted their relationship with God. When people have polluted their relationship with God then everything in their life and on this world will crumble and collapse for people cannot do without God.
( Isaiah 24:1-13 )( Romans 1:18-32 ).

Everything that takes place on this world is known by God and is controlled by God, but not all things that take place on this world are the will and way of God. Many things that take place on this world are against the will and way of God. Many things that take place on this world take place because people do not submit themselves to God and do not obey God. But in all of the wickedness on this world things are still controlled by God and are still ruled by God, for all power belongs to God.
( Romans 11:33-36 )( 1 Corinthians 8:6 )
( Ephesians 4:6 ).

However, people have received the responsibility and power from God to administer everything on this world for God, but we are not forced by God to obey God. But we will receive all of the strength and help from God to manage everything good on this world for God if we are willing to submit to God. Not only do we receive strength from God when we submit to God, but we will also receive wisdom from God how to manage everything good on this world for God if we acknowledge that we are helpless without God.
( James 1:5-8 )

All the evil that is on the world is the work of satan, all the good things come from God.
( James 1:16-17 ).

However, also through the evil on this world God works to accomplish the will and work of God, for everything is controlled by God.
( Genesis 50:20 )( Romans 9:17 ).

We receive life on this world from God for we are created on this world by God. We also can receive new life on this world within from God when we are reborn within by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God.
( John 3:3-6 ).

That new life we can receive within from God is a gift from God, for it is only by the grace of God that we can receive the new life within from God.
( Ephesians 2:8-9 ).

But we must open our heart to God and surrender our life to God and ask for that new life within from God if we wish to be reborn within by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

When we have received that new life within from God then we must live on this world for God. But we must also seek to live in fullness on this world with God after we are reborn within of God, therefore after we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we must submit our life fully to the Holy Spirit within us of God.
( Romans 8:4-14 ).

Our whole life must be wrapped up in God, for there is no life or power apart from God.
( Psalms 104:24-30 ).

Also reproduction of human life can only be accomplished by the power of God, but reproduction of human life is not regulated by God, for people have received that ability and power from God.
( Genesis 1:28 )( Genesis 9:1 ).

We also must protect life for that is also placed within the power of people by God, therefore people are responsible for life and death on this world for that responsibility is placed upon people by God.
( Genesis 9:5-6 )( Exodus 21:12-15 ).

All life comes on this world by the power of God, but it is within the power of people to bring life on this world and to destroy life on this world for that power people have received from God. For we can do evil and we can do good with that power we have received from God.
( Genesis 2:15-17 )( Geneses 4:6-7 )
( Deuteronomy 30:15-20 ).
All children that are born on this world come on this world by the power of God, but not all children that are born are placed on this world by God, for some are born against the will of God.
( Malachi 2:15-16 )( Ezra 10:3 ).

It is also within our power to refuse to bring children into this world that must be born by the will of God.
( Deuteronomy 25:5-10 ).

Some people are born on this world by the will of God, and some people are born on this world against the will of God, some people are not born on this world that must be born by the will of God. All of that is within the power of people for they have received that ability and power from God, for people have the responsibility and orders from God to manage all them things on this world for God.
( Genesis 1:28 )( Genesis 9:1 ).

Sex is created within people by God therefore people have all of the rights to use that gift from God. People also have the orders from God to use that creative power within them of God.
( Genesis 1:26:28 )( Genesis 9:1 ).

However, we can sin against God if we misuse the sexual creation within us that we have received from God, for we can mishandle the responsibility that we have received on this world from God.
( Leviticus 18:22-30 )( Leviticus 20:10-16 )
( Romans 1:24-27 ).

If we do not obey the sex rules and laws of God then we sin against God, for only when we obey God with the gifts we have received from God are we in the will of God.( Matthew 19:3-9 ).

If we have sex before we are married then we are not in the will of God, but then we disobey God.
( Exodus 22:16-17 )( Deuteronomy 22:28-29 )
( 1 Corinthians 7:36 ).

If people are not loyal to their marriage partner then they sin against God. Any sex outside of a lawful marriages between a man and woman is sin against God. If children are born outside a legal marriage then those children are born against the will of God.
( Leviticus 20:10-12 )( Deuteronomy 22:22-30 ).

Laws and rules are made by God for people to obey God. If people remove themselves from them rules and laws of God then they sin against God.
( Leviticus Chapter 18 )( Leviticus 20:10-21 )
( Deuteronomy 27:20-23 )( Exodus 22:19 ).

We may never use our body for sin for our body is the temple of God. God live within a born again Christian by the Spirit of God, therefore we may never use our body to sin against God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 )( 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 )
( 2 Corinthians 6:16 )( I Corinthians 6:15 ).

We must always seek to live in holiness with God and for God. and we must use our God given power to honor God, never to sin against God.
( 2 Corinthians 7:1 )( 1 Peter 1:14-16 ).

Sex is only for a man and a woman that are legally married in the presents of people and in the presents of God.
( Genesis 2:20-24 )( Matthew 19:5 )( Mark 10:7-8 )
( 1 Corinthians 6:9 )( 1 Corinthians 7:2 )
( Ephesians 5:31 ).

However, the natural way of sex and the natural desire of sex is destroyed within people when they remove ourselves from God, for it is not within our power to remain in our natural life that we have received within of God when we turn our back on God, for then we are controlled by satan, not by God.
( Romans 1:18-27 )

If we soil our way of life by foul sex language then we also sin against God.
( Ephesians 5:4 ).

We do not always have to perform sex sins to disobey God, but we can also with our heart sin against God.
( Matthew 5:27-28 ).

Sex is not sin for it is created by God. Sex may be enjoyed by a man and a woman who live in holiness with God.
( 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 )

But we may not be controlled by sex for then we do not live for God. Our whole life must be wrapped up in God.
( 1 John 2:15-17 ).

We also may not uncover our shame in public for then other people may sin in their thought’s against God, then we also sin against God by making others sin against God.
( Genesis 3:21 ).

We also may not seek our entertainment in movies where people portray their unfaithfulness in marriage and where they speak shamefully of the gift of sex that we have received from God, for if we make sin our entertainment then we also sin against God.

We also may not read shameful literature for than we also sin against God, and when we enjoy shameful pictures then we also sin against God, for none of them things may find place by the people who belong to God.

People are ordered by God to multiply this world for God, but people were not told by God to over burden their wife with children for that is not a order from God, for people have received the reasoning of their mind from God to use all things wisely for God.

All things everywhere are controlled by God, and all things that take place on this world come by the power of God. But many things that take place in our life on this world do not come from God, for people misuse their God given power from God. The evil and sad things that take place in our life on this world are the result of people, not of God, for this world is placed in the hands of satan by people when they obeyed satan and turned their back on God.
( Genesis 3:1-19 ).

But Adam and Eve are not the only once that turned their back on God, for all people have sinned against God.
( Romans 5:12 ).

Therefore when we reproduce human life on this world and evil takes place in their life and our life then we must not blame God, for people is the blame for all the evil and sad things on this world, not God. For this world is placed in the hands of satan by the will of people, not by the will of God. People did receive a warning from God not to open their heart to evil but to stay with God. But people decided to give their life and this world into the power of satan, for they turned their back on God.
( Genesis 2:15-17 ).

This world is not created evil by God, but this world and everything on this world is created good by God.
( Genesis 1:31 ).

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