Sunday, December 6, 2009


Posted by George Soepboer Sr.

We are elected and chosen and called by God to become part of the kingdom of God.

( Matthew 24:22 )( Matthew 24:31 )( Matthew 22:14 )
( Mark 13:20 )( Mark 13:27 )( John 15-16 )
( Romans 8:33 )( Romans 11:7 )( Romans 9:11 )
( Romans 11:28 )Colossians 3:12 )( 2 Timothy 2:10 )
( 1 Thessalonians 1:4 )( 2 Thessalonians 2:13 )
( 1 Peter 1:2 )( 1 Peter 2:9 )( 2 Peter 1:10 )

To live in fellowship with God is a privilege from God for no one has deserved that friendship with God, and no one can ever deserve that reward from God. That privilege can only be ours by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God. There is nothing that we can do on this world that will give us the rights to be accepted by God.
( Ephesians 2:1-9 ).

To understand all of this we must go back to the beginning when everything was created by God. Everything on this world was made perfect by God, including the people who were created by God.
( Genesis 1:31 )

In that perfect world of God everyone who was going to be born on world could live in friendship with God, for that is the way everything was made by God and planed by God. But in that perfect world of God people were given the freedom by God to live in friendship with God or to turn their back on God.
( Genesis 2:15 ).

People decided to turn their back on God and removed themselves from God and followed satan the enemy of God, therefore people also became enemies of God.
( Genesis 3:1-7 ).

When the people removed themselves from God and followed the enemy of God they placed a great barrier between themselves and God.
( Genesis 3:8-19 ).

However, people were not abandoned by God when they turned their back on God for the people are loved by God also if they turn their back on God, but people lost their friendship with God, for we cannot obey the enemy of God and also live in friendship with God.
( Genesis 3:22-24 ).

But not only the first people sinned against God by turning their back on God, but all people sin against God, therefore all people place a barrier between themselves and God.
( Romans 3:9-18 ).

All people know that there is a God, and all people know on this world that we all must honor God.
( Romans 1:18-22 ).

Also the people who have never received the law from God they know within that they must seek to obey God, for that knowledge is placed within all people by God.
( Romans 2:14-15 ).

We can never claim that we did not know about God, for God is known and seen in everything that is created by God.
( Psalms 19:1-4 )( Romans 1:21 ).

People also know within what they must do to honor God and obey God, for all of them things are placed within their heart by God.
( Romans 1:32 ).

Sin stared by Adam and Eve when they loved the way of satan and turned their back on God, but every person on this world sins against God, therefore we must not blame Adam and Eve for disobeying God but we all must bow and humble ourselves before God and repent of our sins by God, and seek to honor God.
( Romans 5:12 ).

All people know about God, and all people know that they must humble themselves before God, but many people harden their heart towards God, for most people love the way of satan therefore people keep turning their back on God.
( Ephesians 4:17-19 ).

People are never removed from God by God, but God patiently waits for all people to look up to God and honor God.
( Hebrews 3:7-11 ).

However, if people refuse to humble them before God and refuse to honor God then they will end up in hell and be punished there for their sins by God.
( Romans 9: 22 ).

God wants all people look up to God and call upon God to be saved from the punishment in hell for their sins by God, and God wants all people to live in friendship and fullness on this world with God, and after this life God wants all people to live forever in glory with God.
( 1 Timothy 2:3-4 ).

But when people refuse to obey God and are not willing to surrender their to life to God then their heart is hardened by God.
( 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 ).

All people are loved by God and all people can open their heart to God and repent of their sins by God, for God provided a way through Jesus Christ the Son of God for all people to become part of God.
( John 3:16-18 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God opened the way for people to God by paying with His life on the cross for all the sins that stand between us and God.
( Romans 3:21-28 ).

We all can be saved from the punishment of our sins in hell by God, for Jesus Christ the Son of God paid for all people by God.
( John 1:29 )( 1 Peter 3:18 )( 1 John 1:29 ).

God made provision for all the people on this world to be forgiven of their sins by God and to live forever in glory with God. Not only did God make provision for the people who lived after Jesus died for their sin by God but also for the people who looked forwards to the day that Jesus was going to die for their sins by God. For the promise was made by God that some one would come to restore people’s relationship with God at the time people first turned their back on God.
( Genesis 3:15 ).

Our relationship with God can never be restored without Jesus Christ the Son of God, for only through Jesus the Son of God are we accepted by God. There is no other way to God, and never will be any other way to God.
( John 1:12 )( John 3:16-18 )( John 14:6 )
( 1 John 2:22-23 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

But we can never find our way to God though Jesus Christ the Son of God if we are not elected and called by God.
( John 6:44 ).

If we receive the election call of God then the door for us is opened by God, only then can we accept or reject that grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God. But without the election call of God no one can remove themselves from the power of evil and live for God.
( Romans 8:28-30 ).

However, when we are called by God to live for God and when we accept that election call of God then we are set free from the power of evil by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Hebrews 2:15 ).

When we are chosen by God and receive that election call from God only then we are able to open our heart to God and receive a new life within of God.
( John 3:3-6 ).

But we can never remove ourselves from evil and work our way to God, for all people are overwhelmed by the power of evil without the grace of God.
( Romans 7:15-25 )

It is only by the grace of God when we are elected and called by God that we can live for God.
( Ephesians 2:8-10 ).

Abraham did not choose God to make a great nation for God, but Abraham was chosen by God to start the nation of the Jewish people for God.
( Genesis 12:1-2 ).

The Jewish people did not come to God because they choose to live for God, but the Jewish people were chosen and called by God to live for God.
( Deuteronomy 7:6 )( Deuteronomy 14:2 )
( Psalms 33:12 )( Psalms 65:4 )( Isaiah 45:4 ).

People can make themselves part of a religion but no one can make themselves part of God, for that is a gift from God for the people that are elected by God and are called by God. We are all part of the darkness of satan and we can never come to the light of God without the election call of God to set us free from that darkness of satan and live in the light of God.
( 1 Peter 2:9 ).

Only when we are elected and called by God can we open our heart to God, for only then do we have the power within to open our heart to God and surrender our life to God.
( Hebrews 3:7-11 )( Revelation 3:20 ).

Only when our mind and heart is opened by God do we have the desire to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

Only when we have received the Holy Spirit within of God can we live for God, for no one can live for God without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God.
( Romans 8:4-14 ).

For only the Holy Spirit within us of God can teach us the way of God and lead us into fullness on this world with God.
( John 14:26 )( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

It is only by the Holy Spirit within us of God that we have the power and freedom within to live in friendship and fullness on this world with God.
( 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 )( Ephesians 3:14-19 ).

People can be very religious and believe that they are pleasing God and that they are on our way to heaven by God, but all of them things do not make them acceptable by God.
( Luke 13:24-29 ).

People can also do all sorts of great and wonderful things on this world in the name of God or in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God thinking that they live for God, but are placed in hell by God for they are not obeying God.
( Matthew 7:21-23 )( Matthew 24:24-25 ).

We only live for God when we are elected by God and are pulled by God to Jesus Christ the Son of God to live for God.
( John 6:37-39 )( John 6:44 )( John 6:65 )( John 17:2 ).

When we are chosen by God and called by God and we have opened our heart to God and surrendered our life to God then we can never lose that gift from God.
( Romans 8:31-39 ).

for the people that are elected and called by God are appointed by God to live forever on the new world with God.
( Revelation 21:1-5 ).

However, not all of the people that are elected and called by God will be accepted in heaven be God. Only the elected people that have on this world obeyed God will be chosen by God to live in heaven with God, all of the other elect people of God will be placed in hell by God because on this world they did not obey God.
( Matthew 22:14 ).

All of the Jewish people were chosen by God to go to heaven with God, but not all of them made it to heaven with God, but many of them ended up in hell for they refused to love and obey God. That also counts for the other people of God who refuse to obey God after they are chosen and elected by God to live on this world with God.
( Hebrews 3:12-19 ).

Nevertheless, the time will come that all of those Jewish people will be removed from hell and be part of the new world with God, for all of the Jewish people that were chosen by God will be part of the new world with God.
( Romans 11:25-36 ).

for the elect people of God Jews and none Jews have their names written in the book of life by God before this world was created by God to live for ever on the new world with God.
( Revelation 13:8 )( Revelation 17:8 ).

At the last judgment-day that book will be opened once more by God, then those chosen and elected people that are in hell Jews and none Jews will receive a opportunity from God repent of their sins by God and accept Jesus the Son of God as their only Savior to God, then they will be accepted by God to live for every on the new world with God.
( Revelation 20:11-15 ).

Many of the Jewish people are blinded to see their way through Jesus Christ the Son of God to God, but someday their eyes will be opened by God and they will see how wrong they were not to accept the way of God through Jesus the Son of God, and then they will mourn for the sins they have committed to God.
( Zechariah 12:10-14 ).

At that time the fountain of love for the Jewish people will by opened by God who on this world did not wish to obey God. Then all of the Jewish people will accept Jesus the Son of God as their Savior from God, and then they all will be forgiven of their sins by God.
( Zechariah 13:1 ).

At that time the Jewish people will receive the gift of a willing heart and willing mind from God to love and obey God.
( Ezekiel 36:26-27 ).

But all of them great things will not come to the Jewish people because they deserve that great gift from God, but the Jewish people will receive that grace from God because they are the chosen people of God.
( Ezekiel 36:22-32 ).

The Jewish people that did not obey God are chosen by God and are accepted by God because their forefathers were elected by God and their forefathers loved and obeyed God. That is the reason why they also receive that grace from God not because of their own love for God.
( Romans 11:28-29 ).

When we are chosen by God and receive the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God then our children also are Holy to God.
( 1 Corinthians 7:13-14 ).

Therefore when we are elected and called by God then we also must include our children for they also benefit from that grace that we receive from God.
( Acts 2:37-39 ).

Anyone who desires to come to God and desires to drink from the waters of life by God can come and receive that new life from God and will be accepted by God.
( John 7:37-38 )( Revelation 22:17 ).

However, we can never thirst for that living water of God if that desire is not placed within our heart by God. But when that desire is placed within our heart by God then we can come and receive that living water without price from God.
( Acts 16-14 ).

We can never work our way to God, or deserve to be accepted by God. It is only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God that the door is opened for us by God.
( Ephesians 2:4-9 ).

However, we must never think that it is luck that people are elected and called by God, therefore we are lucky when we are chosen and called by God to belong to the kingdom of God for everything was planed by God before this world was created by God that is not the way of God. All the people who are elected to live forever with God have their name written in the book of life from God before this world was created by God because they are knowing by God to have a willingness to accept that call from God.
( Revelation 13:8 )( Revelation 17:8 ).

All of the spirits of the people that would life on this world were with God before the people were created by God. The spirits of the people that are with God that have a willingness to live on this world for God are born on this world by the will of God.
( John 1:12-13 ).

Those people are elected and called on this world by God for those people were known by God before this world was created by God that they would open their heart to God at the election call of God. That is why some people are elected and called by God and others never receive that call from God, for no one will ever be called by God to live for God if they do not have that willingness within them to accept that call from God, for everything is known by God.
( Romans 8:29 ).

That is why Jacob was love by God and Esau was hated by God before they where born because God knew before their spirits were placed in a body on this world by God that Jacob would have a willing heart to obey God, and that Esau would be a careless man who would no listen to God. Only the people that have a willing heart to accept the call of God will be elected and called by God and have their heart opened by God to receive the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Romans 9:10-13 )( Malachi 1:1-3 )( Genesis 25:21-23 ).

The people that are elected on this world by God were known by God before this world was created by God that they would open their heart to God, therefore their names were written in the book of life by God before this world was created by God.
( Revelation 13:8 )( Revelation 17:8 ).

Those people are born on this world not by the will of people but those people are born on this world by the will of God to be chosen by God to live on this world for God, and to live forever on the new world with God.
( John 1:12-13 )( Ephesians 2:10 ).

Everything works for good for those people that are elected and called by God
( Romans 8:28-30 )

Not only in heaven and on this world does everything work for good for the people of God. But also in hell works everything for good for the people of God, for hell is created by God for the elect and chosen people of God to refine them in hell if they are not willing to humble themselves on this world for God and are not willing on this world to obey God. For all of the elect people of God will be punished in hell for their sins by God if they do not repent of their sins by people and if they do not repent of their sins by God, therefore many of God’s elect people will not be accepted in heaven by God for on this world they refused to love and obey God.
( Psalms 95:10-11 )( Matthew chapter 25 )
( Mark 9:42-49 )( Luke 16:19-31 )( Hebrews 3:7-12 )
( Jude 7 ).

All of the elect and chosen people of God will have to give account by God how they have lived on this world for God.
( Romans 14:10-12 )( 2 Corinthians 5:10 )
( Hebrews 9:27 )( 1 Peter 4:17-18 ).

Because the spirits of the elect people of God will return to God.
( Ecclesiastes 12:7 ).

And the spirit of the elect people of God will be judged by God if they deserve to live in heaven by God or if they will be punished in hell by God for not willing on the world to obey God.
( 2 Corinthians 5:10 ).

However, at the last judgment day the elect people of God who are punished in hell by God will receive the opportunity to repent of their sins by God and live for ever on the new world with God, for their names are written in the book of life by God.
( Revelation 20:11-15 ).

For Jesus Christ the Son of God also paid for their sins by God, therefore Jesus the Son of God also went to the spirits in hell to preach to them the gospel of hope from God, for He also died for their sins by God.
( 1 Peter 3:18-20 )( 1 Peter 4:6 ).

Many people that are written in the book of life by God and are elected and called to live in heaven by God will never be chosen to go to heaven by God, but they are going to end up in hell when they die for not willing on the world to obey God after they are called by God and after they received a new life within of God.
( Matthew 22:1-14 )( Luke 14:15-24 ).

For when we are elected and called by God and we have received a new life within from God then we must live in that new life on this world for God if we wish to be accepted in heaven by God. because this world is a testing place from God for the elect and chosen people of God to prepare them to live in heaven with God. But if we do not live by the Spirit of God after we have received the new life within from God then we will end up in hell to be punished for our sins by God, for then we will not be accepted in heaven by God.
( Romans 8:4-14 ).

But if we seek to obey God and love God after we have received call from God and have received a new life within from God then nothing can ever separate us from God and from going to heaven with God.
( Romans 8:31-39 ).

However, It is only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God that we are called out of the darkness of satan into the light of God. That is why we never have any reason for boasting before people and before God.
( Ephesians 2:4-9 ).

If we did not receive a call from God and our eyes are not opened by God then we will remain in the darkness of satan and we can never come to God, for it is only by the will of God and the love and grace of God that we are part of God.
( Romans 9:14-23 )( Romans 11:17-20 ).

We are made free by God from the power of satan by the grace of God.
( 2 Corinthians 4:4 ).

But when are made free from the power of satan by the grace of God then we must live in that freedom for God.
( Romans 8:12-14 ).

If we live in that freedom from God and we live for God then nothing can separate us from going to heaven with God.
( Romans 8:31-39 ).

But if we turn our back on God after we have received the free gift of life from God then we lose the promise of heaven from God, for then we will not end up in heaven with God but then we will end up in hell and be punished for our sins by God.
( Hebrews 3:12-14 )( Hebrews 6:1-8 )( Hebrews 10:26-31 )
( Revelation 2:11 )( Revelation 2:26 )
( Revelation 3:5-6 )( Revelation 3:12 )
( Revelation 3:21-22 )( Revelation 14:9-12 ).

The promise of heaven from God for the elect people of God stands firm by God if the elect people of God do their part by obeying God after they are called by God and have received a new life within of God. But if they are not willing to do their part by obeying God then they will lose the promise of heaven from God. Just like the Jewish people lost the promise of God to enter the promised land when they did not wish to obey God.
( Numbers 14:1-35 )( Hebrews 3:15-19 )
( Hebrews chapter 4 ).

We are not promised a easy way to heaven by God, for the easy way leads to hell not to heaven with God.
( Matthew 7:13-14 )( Luke 13:24 )( Hebrews 4:11 ).

We must never look at other people how they live for God, for many people who claim to be Christians and claim to live for God, do not live for God.
( Matthew 7:21-23 )( Matthew 25:1-13 )
( Luke 13:22-28 )( 2 Timothy 3:1-5 )
( 2 Timothy 4:1-5 )

We must be willing to remove ourselves from anything and anyone that hinders us from doing the will of God.
( Hebrews 12:1-2 ).

We must only listen to the voice within us from God by the Holy Spirit of God if we wish to obey God.
( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

And when we sin against God then we must not surrender our life to sin but then we must repent of our sins by God. If we truly repent of our sins by God then we will always be forgiven of our sins by God, for Jesus the Son of God paid for all of them sins for us by God.
( 1 John 1:5-9 ).

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