Sunday, November 1, 2009


Posted by George Soepboer Sr.

If we do not believe the first three chapters of the Bible then we do not have a Bible, for they are the foundation of the whole Bible.

If we do not believe that everything is created in six days by God then we do not believe God, for God tells us that all of creation was completed in six days by God.
( Genesis 2:1-3 )( Exodus 20:11 ).

If we do not believe that all of humanity did have it’s beginning by God then we also do not believe God, for God tells us that man and woman are created by God.
( Genesis 1:26-27 ).

If we do not believe all of the evil came on the world because the first man and woman rebelled against God, then we do not believe God, for when Adam and Eve turned their back on God then this world came under a curse from God.
( Genesis 3:1-19 ).

If we do not believe that the beginning of the Bible is the word of God then we also cannot believe the other parts of the Bible to be the word of God, for then we do not believe God.
All of the Bible is the written word of God, also the first chapters of the Bible are the word of God.
( Genesis chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 ).

If we do not believe that through Adam and Eve this whole world came under a curse from God. Then we also cannot believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God came to this world to remove that curse from God by paying with His life for our sins by God.
( Romans 5:12-21 ).

If we remove the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God from the Bible the written word of God then we do not live for God, for the whole Bible is based on the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Ephesians 2:4-9 ).

Everything is created by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, and everything is sustained by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Colossians 1:15-20 ).

Adam an Eve received a promise from God after they sinned against God that someone would come on this world to save them from the punishment of their sins by God.
( Genesis 3:15 ).

That Savior is Jesus Christ the Son of God. Through Jesus the Son of God we can all be removed from the power of satan and live in fellowship and fullness with God, and someday satan will be destroyed by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Revelation 20:10 ).

Abraham was used to bring that promised Savior from God, for Abraham is the Father of the Jewish people where the Savior would be born of God, therefore by Abraham all the nations are blessed by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Genesis 12:1-3 )( Genesis 18:17-18 )
( Genesis 22:17-18 ).

After the Jewish people were established by God in the land that was promised to them by God then the Prophets of God foretold again the coming of the Savior from God.
( Isaiah 9:6-7 )( Isaiah chapter 53 )( Zechariah 9:9 ).

The prophet of God also told the people the reason for the coming of the savior from God to confirm the promise that Adam and Eve received from God after they did sin against God.
( Genesis 3:15 ) ( Isaiah 53:10 ).

The prophet of God told the people also that the savior would be born of a virgin, not in a normal way that all other people are born on this world of God.
( Isaiah 7:14 ).

Then an angel of God came to this world to tell the Virgin Mary that she would become pregnant by God, for the Spirit would come upon here of God, therefore her Son would be the Son of God, and that His name would be Jesus, for He would save the people from the punishment of their sins by God.
( Luke 1:26-35 )( Matthew 1:18-25 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God came to this world by the will of God to die for our sins to restore our relationship with God that was broken by the people for they sinned against God. Jesus Christ the Son of God paid with His life on the cross to have all of them sins removed by God.
( John 1:29 )( Galatians 1:3-4 )
( 1 Peter 2:24 )( 1 Peter 3:18 ).

Through Jesus Christ the Son of God we can all be forgiven of our sins by God if we accept that gift from God, for the Son of God died for our sins by God.
( John 3:16-18 ).

When we accept Jesus the Son of God as our only hope to have our sins forgiven by God then we will not be punished in hell for our sins by God, but then we will be accepted in heaven by God.
( Revelation 7:13-15 ).

Adam and Eve brought sin into this world of God by obeying satan and by turning their back on God. From that time on the whole world is covered by sin, for all people have sinned against God.
( Romans 3:23 )( 1 John 1:5-10 ).

The wages of sin is everlasting punishment in hell from God, therefore there is no hope for people to avoid the punishment in hell for their sins by God without Jesus Christ the Son of God, for we all have sinned against God.
( Romans 6:23 )

Only through Jesus Christ the Son of God can we all be forgiven of our sins by God, but we must accept the Son of God as our only lifeline from God to God, and we must surrender our life to God.
( 1 John 1:12 )( John 3:16-18 )( John 14:6 )
( 1 John 2:22-23 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

If we do not believe the first three chapters of the Bible then we remove Adam and Eve from the Bible who were the first people that were placed on this world by God. If we remove Adam and Eve from the Bible than there is also no place in the Bible for Jesus Christ the Son of God, for if Adam and Eve were not placed on this world of God and did not lead us into sin against God then Jesus the Son of God did not have to pay for our sins by God. But the Bible the word of God teaches us that Adam and Eve were placed on this world by God, and that Adam and Eve sinned against God, and that we all have sinned against God. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ the Son of God paid for all of them sins for us by God to have our relationship restored by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, for that is why the Son of God died for our sins by God.
( Romans 5:12-21 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God was appointed by God to pay for our sins by God before Adam and Eve sinned against God and before the world was created by God.
( Ephesians 1:3-5 )( 1 Peter 1:20 ).

If we do not believe that all living creatures are the creation of God, and we do not believe that everything else also is created by God, then we also cannot believe the teaching in the Bible about Jesus Christ the Son of God for all of them teachings are of God.

If we do not believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God came to this world to pay for all of our sins by God then we do not believe God for all of that is placed in the Bible by God.

The whole Bible from beginning to end is the word of God. The new testament of God is based on the old testament of God. What the old testament tells us would happen and must happen to make us right with God did happen in the new testament by the will of God when the Son of God was nailed to the cross to pay for our sins by God.
( Romans 15:4 ).

All of the ( 39 ) books of the old testament of God are the word of God. And all of the ( 27 ) books of the new testament are the word of God. If we remove anything from them ( 66 ) books of the Bible or we add anything to them ( 66 ) books of the Bible then we sin against God. Because no one on this world has the rights to remove anything from the word of God or to add anything to the word of God.
( Revelation 22:18-19 ).

If we do not believe the beginning of the Bible then we can also not believe the rest of the Bible, for the beginning of the Bible is the foundation of the Bible. Without the foundation of the Bible we have no Bible.

The word of God is not in the Bible or in some parts of the Bible, but the whole Bible from begging to end is the word of God.

Anyone who does not believe that everything is created in six twenty four hour days by God does not believe in the word of God, and therefore does not live for God.

Anyone who does not believe in the creation of Adam and Eve also does not believe in the word of God and also does not live for God, for we cannot disbelieve part of the Bible the written word of God and also live for God.

The Bible is not the words of people but it is the word of God. The Bible is written by people who were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God to write the word of God.
( 2 Timothy 3:16 )( 2 Peter 1:20-21 ).

Anyone who removes anything from the Bible or anyone who adds anything to the Bible does not live for God, for we cannot live for God if we do not believe the whole Bible the written word of God.

Anyone who belittles the Bible or anyone who twist the Bible the word of God also does not live for God, for we cannot tamper with the word of God and also live for God.

Therefore we must not listen to all of the preachers and teachers within the church of God and among the people of God, for many of those leaders among the people of God do not tell us the truth about God, for many leaders among the people of God are placed there by satan, not by God. We must only believe the Bible the written word of God.
( Matthew 24:11 )( Acts 20:29-30 )( 1 Timothy 4:1 )
( 2 Peter 2:1-2 )( 2 Peter 3:14-16 ).

There are very many preachers and teachers among the Christians that live for satan, not for God. Those false preachers and teachers sound and look and act as if they are from God, but they are not of God. Those leaders among the Christians will use the Bible the word of God but they will not tell people the truth about God.
( Jeremiah 23:16-22 )( Matthew 7:15-20 )
( Matthew 24:11 )( 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ).

Some of those false preachers and teachers among the Christians will do remarkable things in the name of God, and they will do amazing things in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God. But their impressive works they do in the name of Jesus are the power of satan, not the power of God, but they tell people that it is the power of God.
( Matthew 24:24-25 )( Mark 13:22 ).

Those false teachers also believe themselves that they are living for God, but they live for satan, not for God.
( Matthew 7:21-23 )

Many Christians will listen to those false preachers and believe them evil teachers for many Christians do not wish to hear the truth about God.
( 2 Timothy 4:1-4 ).

False preachers and teachers within the church use the Bible the written word of God and claim that they are guided by the Spirit of God, but they are under the influence of satan, for they are controlled by satan, not by the Spirit of God, therefore they do not lead people to God but they lead people away from God. All of those false teachers will end up in hell when they die not in heaven by God. If we follow their teachings then we also will end up in hell when we die not in heaven by God.
( Matthew 18:5-9 )( Mark 9:42-49 )( Luke 17:1-2 ).

We may not change any part of the Bible for then we remove ourselves from God. We also may not remove anything from the Bible for then we also remove ourselves from God. We also may not belittle anything in the Bible for then we also remove ourselves from God. For the whole Bible from beginning to end is the living and unchanging word of God.
( 1 Peter 1:23-25 ).

We may not question the Bible for if we question the Bible then we do not believe God, and if we do not believe God then we live for satan, not for God. satan wants us to question the word of God to lead us astray from God, just like satan made Adam and Eve in paradise tray from God by making them question the word of God, for satan knows that when we question the Bible that he can lead us astray from God, like Adam and Eve strayed from God when they did not believe the word of God.
( Genesis 2:15-17 )( Genesis 3:1-19 ).

We also must not believe the preachers and teachers who tell us that some parts of the Bible are not relevant now for they are not important for Christians to obtain salvation from God. And that some things in the Bible were only relevant for the first Christians when the church was placed on this world by God. That also is a lie from satan to lead Christians astray from God, for them teachers and preachers do not tell Christians the truth about God.
( 2 Peter 2:1-3 ).

The whole Bible was for the church of God, and the whole Bible is for the church of God, and the whole Bible will always be for the church of God, for the whole Bible is the inspired word of God for all the Christians to know the will and way of God.
( Romans 15:4 )( 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ).

The whole Bible is for the people of God until the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God, for then the church will be removed from this world by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:20-58 )( 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 )
( 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 ).

Anyone who preaches and teaches that all of the Bible is not for today's people of God is a servant of satan, not a servant of God.( Matthew 5:17-20 ).

satan hates the Bible for he knows that the Bible is the word of God. Therefore satan wants to remove us from the Bible by telling the people that they do not need the Bible to live for God.

satan also tells people that some parts of the Bible are not the word of God, therefore they do not have to accept the whole Bible as the word of God.

satan also wants people to believe that some parts of the Bible are not important for to-days people of God.

satan works within the hearts of all the people who do not live close to God to remove them from the word of God.

satan also places all sorts of false preachers and teachers within the church of God to lead people away from God.

satan is a liar and anyone who does not live close to God believes in the lies of satan, but does not believe God.
( John 8:39-44 ).

We must not listen to the preachers and teachers within the church of God for many of them are liars like satan for satan is their god. Those fake leaders within the church of God act as if they are placed within the church by God but they are servants of satan and lead people away from God.
( 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 ).

Many preachers and teachers within the church also have no true knowledge of God and they do not understand the word of God for they do not live by the Spirit of God, for those false leaders have not received the Holy Spirit within of God.
( 1 Corinthians 2:10-14 ).

It is only by the Spirit of God that we can understand the word of God and accept the whole Bible as the word of God. For if we have the Spirit within us of God then we are one with God, for then God lives within us by the Spirit of God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 )( 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 )
( 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 ).

Therefore we must listen to the voice within our mind of God by the Spirit of God for that is the only way that we can know the will of God.
( John 14:26 )( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

If we have not received the Spirit within of God then we must ask for that gift from God. Anyone who truly opens his or her heart to God and surrenders his or her whole life to God will receive the Spirit within of God if they humbly ask for the indwelling of the Spirit of God by God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

However we will only receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, for we are only accepted by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( John 1:12 ) John 3:16-18 )( John 14:6 )( Ephesians 2:4-9 )
( 1 John 2:22-23 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

satan pretends to be a angel of God, Also the false preachers and teachers who work for satan within the church of God pretend to be servants of God
.( 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ).

Some of those fake preachers and teachers within the church of God also believe themselves that they are servants of God for satan has blinded them and makes them believe that they are servants of God, but they live for satan, not for God.
( Matthew 7:21-23 ).

Anyone who is a true servant of God believes that the whole Bible is the word of God, and that we must use the whole Bible to seek the will of God.
( 2 Peter 1:20-21 ).

True servants of God believe that everything was created in six twenty four hour days by God.
( Genesis 2:1-3 )( Exodus 20:8-11 ).

Moreover they also believe that all of humanity did have its beginning through one man and one woman who were created at the beginning by God.
( Genesis 2:1-3 )( Exodus 20:8-11 ).

A true servant of God does not believe in evolution and that this world has existed billions of years, but a true servant of God believes that there are only 76 generations from the birth of Jesus Christ the Son of God to the beginning of the creation of God, for that is also stated in the Bible the word of God.
( Luke 3:23-38 )

If we do not believe the first three chapters of the Bible to be the word of God, and we do not believe every part of the Bible to be the word of God, then we can also not believe that the rest of the Bible is the word of God, for if we only believe some part of the Bible then we do not believe God.

If we do not believe that Adam and Eve turned this world over to satan by sinning against God, and we do not believe that we all have sinned against God then there is also no need for Jesus the Son of God, for if we did not sin against God then there was no need for Jesus the Son of God to come to this world to suffer and die for our sins by God. But we all have sinned against God that is the word of God.
( Romans 3:23 )( 1 John 1:8-10 ).

Therefore we all must repent of our sins by God, and we all need Jesus Christ the Son of God to have our sins forgiven by God.
( Acts 2:38 )( Acts 10:43 )( Acts 13:38 )
( Acts 26:18 )( Colossians 1:13-14 ).

Adam and Eve made us a slave to satan and sin when they turned their back on God, and we all have sinned against God, but Jesus Christ the Son of God paid for them sins by God when He died for our sins on the cross to restore our relationship with God. Only through Jesus Christ the Son of God can we live in friendship and fullness on this world with God like Adam and Eve lived with God before they turned their back on God that is the word of God.
( Romans 5:12-21 ).

The people who live for satan obey satan, and satan makes them believe that they do not need Jesus Christ to Son of God to make things right with God, and satan makes them believe that they do not need Jesus the Son of God to be accepted in heaven by God. Therefore many people believe that there are other ways to find our way to God and to be accepted in heaven by God. There is only one way to heaven with God that way is through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
All other ways that we seek to God lead to hell, not to heaven with God.
( Revelation 7:13-15 ).

It is only through Jesus Christ the Son of God that we are accepted by God and that we can be forgiven of our sins by God, if we do not accept Jesus the Son of God as our only lifeline to God then we will never be accepted by God.
( John 14:6 )( 1 John 5:10-13 ).

satan also makes people believe that the three first chapters of the Bible are the stories of people not the word of God.

Many preachers and teachers among the people of God are like satan for they live for satan, and they lead people astray from God, and all people who believe those counterfeit preachers and teachers also live for satan not for God.
( 2 Timothy 4:1-4 ).

There are many false preachers and teachers on the world and within the church of God. Therefore we cannot believe what they always teach us about God, for many leaders among the Christians lead God’s people into hell not to heaven with God.
All of that is foretold by God to warn the Christians that the time would come that many counterfeit leaders would appear among the people of God to lead God’s people astray from God.
( Matthew 24:11-13 )( Matthew 24:23-25 )
( Jeremiah 23:16-22 ).

Many of them phony teachers and preachers are within all of the churches of God. It is difficult to sort who is from satan and who is from God for all of them act as if they are from God. And all of them look real and sound real for they all teach about God and about Jesus the Son of God. And they all claim they are send by God. And they all are very clever to camouflage their evil minds to the people of God for they act very kind and gentle to the people of God, but their hearts are full of evil for they do not live for God.
( Matthew 7:15-16 ).

There are also very many false teachers and preachers among the Christians that think and believe themselves that they are doing the will of God, for they are always active on this world in the name of God and in the name of Jesus the Son of God, but they also are living for satan, not for God, for they do not obey God.
( Matthew 7:21-23 ).

Therefore Christians must not listen to the leaders of the church for most of them leaders do not live for God, they tell lies about God and lead Christians into hell, not into heaven with God. Christians must listen to the Holy Spirit within them of God, for only the Spirit of God knows the will and way of God.
( 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 ).

Christians must open their heart and mind to God, and they must listen to the voice within their mind of God by the Spirit within them of God.
( John 14:26 )( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

Only the Christians who are truly living by the Spirit of God live for God.
( Romans 8:14 ).

All of the other Christians can be religious but they do not live for God, for they do not live by the Spirit of God.
( 2 Timothy 3:5 ).

A true Spiritual person has noting in common with a person who does not live in fellowship with God, therefore we must not live like other Christians but we must obey the voice within us from the Spirit of God, for only then do we obey God.
( 1 Corinthians 2:14-16 ).

If we do not have the Holy Spirit living within us of God then we must ask for that gift from God by God. If we repent of our sins by God, and we open our heart to God, and we truly surrender our life to God, and we humbly ask for the indwelling of the Spirit of God by God, then we will receive the Spirit within of God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

When we have receive the Spirit within of God then we are one with God, for then God lives within us by the Spirit of God. Then our body is the temple of God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 )( 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 )
( 2 Corinthians 6:16 )( James 4:5 ).

When we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we must live by the Spirit of God,
if we are fully controlled by the Spirit of God then we live in the will of God.
( Ephesians 5:18 ).

We must never ignore the voice within from the Spirit of God for then we are not living for God. We must always obey the voice within from the Spirit of God.
( 1 Thessalonians 5:19 ).

If we ignore the voice within from the Spirit of God then we ignore God, and if we ignore God then we grieve God, for the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.
( Ephesians 4:30 ).

There are many preachers and teachers among the Christians who want our attention and seek to draw us away from listening to the voice within from the Spirit of God.

There are also many other Christians who seek to draw us away from listening to the voice within from the Spirit of God.

All of those people know about God, and they know about Jesus Christ the Son of God, and they read the Bible the word of God, but those people have never surrendered their life to God, and they have never received the Spirit within of God, therefore they are not part of God, for they are not one with God. That is the reason why they do not understand the Bible the word of God, and that is also the reason why they do not believe that the whole Bible is the word of God, for without the Holy Spirit teaching us within the word of God we cannot understand the Bible the written word of God. Those people live far away from God for they are blinded by satan, and satan keeps them from finding their way to God. Therefore those people live for satan, not for God.
( 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 ).

We must never live by what we think and believe to be the will of God, for that may not be the way and will of God. We are never in the will of God if we do not listen to God, for our ways and thoughts are not the ways and thoughts of God.
( Isaiah 55:8-9 ).

We also must not live by what other people think and believe is the will of God, but we must obey the voice within us from God by the Spirit of God. Only when we live by the Spirit of God can we be sure that we are doing the will of God.
( Romans 8:14 ).

And only if we live by the Spirit of God are we sure that we are on our way to heaven with God.
For the Holy Spirit within us of God gives us the assurance within that we belong to God.
( Romans 8:16 )( 2 Corinthians 1:22 )
( Ephesians 1:13-14 )( Ephesians 4:30 )( 1 John 3:24 ).

Only if we live by the Spirit of God can we look forward to the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God. But if we have not obeyed the Spirit within of God then it will be horrifying for us at the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God, for then we will not go to heaven with God but then we will be punished in hell by God for not obeying God.
( Matthew 7:21-23 )( Revelation 6:16-17 ).

If we wish to go to heaven with God then we must always place our hope in Jesus Christ the Son of God to be accepted by God, for He paid for our sins by God.
( Revelation 7:13-15 ).

We also must surrender our life to God if we wish to go to heaven by God, and we must also obey God and be willing to suffer and die on this world for obeying God if we wish to go to heaven with God, because if we are not willing to suffer and die on this world for God then we also will not be accepted in heaven by God.
( Revelation 6:9-11 ).

If Christians live like other people and they do not obey the Holy Spirit within of God but they are turning their back on God because it is hard to live on this world for God, then they will be tormented in hell for not obeying God like all of the other people of the world that do not belong to God, for those Christians will be counted by the people that hate God. Therefore we must never surrender ourselves to the will of people, and we must never become like other people, but we must always obey God if we wish to be accepted in heaven by God.
( Revelation 14:9-12 ).

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