Sunday, September 6, 2009


Posted by George Soepboer Sr

The keys of the kingdom of heaven that the church received from God.

Before Jesus Christ the Son of God was taken up into heaven by God He give the rulers of His church the keys of the kingdom of heaven from God. The church leaders received great power from God to rule the church of God. All of the rules and laws they made for the church of God would be accepted in heaven by God, for they would be empowered by the Holy Spirit of God to make laws and loosen laws for the church of God, and they also did receive power from God to forgive sins on this world in the name of God.
( Matthew 16:18-19 )( Matthew 18:17-18 )
( John 20:22-23 ).

All authority was given to Jesus the Son of God, by God.
( Matthew 28:18 ).

However, the church also received power and authority from God to rule the church of God, for they received the Holy Spirit within of God.
( Acts 1:4-5 )( Acts 2:1-4 ).

But they did have to live by the Holy Spirit of God and obey the Spirit of God. If they did not obey the Holy Spirit of God then they would lose that great power and authority from God, for then the Holy Spirit would be removed from them by God.
( Revelation 2:4-5 ).

The church leaders did have to be faithful to God in everything that was entrusted to them by God, if they acted faithful with that power that was entrusted to them by God then that great power would be theirs to the return of Jesus the Son of God from heaven by God, but if they did not obey God then that great power would be removed from them by God. It is the same as when Adam and Eve were placed in paradise by God, Adam and Eve also received a great promise from God. Adam and Eve were told by God if they did obey God they would live forever on this world of God, but if they did not obey God and turned their back on God then they would die and lose that gift from God.
( Genesis 2 15-17 )( Genesis 3: 1-7 ).

Adam and Eve lost that great gift from God, for they did not obey God but they turned their back on God.
( Genesis 3:8-24 ).

When the Jewish people were removed from Egypt by God then they were promised a great country to live in by God, but the Jewish people would only enjoy that promise from God if they did obey God. Most of the Jewish people did not obey God but turned their back on God; therefore they were removed from the promised-land and lost that gift from God.
( Deuteronomy chapter 28 ).

That is also what did happen to the church of God. The church received great powers from God, but they would only keep that power from God if they did obey God. The same laws were placed on church by God as were placed on Adam and Eve in paradise by God, and that was placed on the Jewish people when they were placed in the promised-land by God. But like Adam and Eve the leaders within the church of God did not obey God but they turned their back on God. And the leaders within the church of God acted like the Jewish people that were placed in the promised land by God who turned their back on God, therefore the church also lost the great gifts from God, for the church leaders are corrupt and wondered away from God, for the leaders of the church of God teach evil doctrines to the people of God, they are leading God’s people into sorcery not in the way of God.
( Revelation 18:23B ).

God’s people do no receive the true teaching of God within the established church of God, for the church leaders lie to the people of God; they lead God’s people into sin, not into the way of God. The church leaders within the established church of God are placed there by satan, not by God, therefore the leaders within the established church of God are servants of satan, not servants of God. All of this was foretold through the prophet Jeremiah by God, to warn the people of God that this time of evil would come within the church of God.
( Jeremiah 23:16-22 ).

Many people rebelled against the church leaders at the time of the reformation from God within the Church of God, for many people wanted to obey God and live for God and live in fellowship with God, therefore many people did remove themselves from the established church of God when the established church of God did not wish to open itself to the reformation of God.

However, outside the established church of God it was also hard to live for God, for satan was hard at work to destroy everything that was placed on this world by God. When many Christians removed themselves from the church of God to be free from the corruption within the established church of God then they also fell into many wrong man made doctrines that did not bring them together as the people of God. All of them man made doctrines did not bring them together as the people of God, but it broke them apart, for many of them doctrines also were not from God. Therefore outside the established church of God they did also find it hard to live for God, for those churches also did not have the keys of the kingdom of God, for none of those churches also are not controlled by the Holy Spirit of God, however, those church leaders act and speak as if they are from God, for they are religious but they do not live by the Holy Spirit of God.
( Matthew 7:15-23 ).

The Lord God does not bring confusion and chaos within the church of God by bringing all sorts of doctrine among the people of God, all of that chaos and confusion is the work of people that live for satan instead of living by the Holy Spirit of God.
( Isaiah 45:18-19 )( 1 Corinthians 14:33 ).

Without the power of the Holy Spirit of God people are not able to agree on the way and will of God, for without the help of the Holy Spirit of God people are not able to find the true way and will of God. There is no church anymore that can claim that they still have them great gifts of power from God, for the keys of the kingdom of God are all removed by God, therefore we have so many different sort of Christian churches who all claim that they are from God, for those people do not live by the Holy Spirit of God.

Many people obey and believe those false teachers within the established church and outside the established church of God that claim to be from God, for many people that claim to live for God also live for satan, not for God.
( 2 timothy 4:1-4 ).

There is no church anymore that is guided by the Holy Spirit of God. All of the churches that exist have the Bible the word of God, but they are guided by their own mind when they read the Bible the word of God, not by the Holy Spirit of God. Their own thoughts lead them through the Bible the word of God, but they are not guided by God.

That is the reason why we have so many different church doctrines that are all claimed to be from God by the people who write them in the name of God. But without the Holy Spirit of God no one can know the will and way of God, for it is only the Spirit of God who know the will and way of God.
( 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 )( 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 ).

God’s people tear each-other apart with their man-made doctrines that they claim are from God, but none of those people bring God’s people the true word of God, for the leaders of the churches have lost the gift of power from God, for they do not live by the Holy Spirit of God. And the people within all of them churches do not know how to obey God, for those teachers do not teach them the truth about God.
( Acts 20:28-31 ).

The church was placed on the world by God to bring people to God, and to teach people the will and way of God.
( Matthew 28-18-20 )

However, the established church is deceiving the people of God by teaching them the way of satan, not the way and will of God. They teach people sorcery but they do not teach them to live by the Spirit of God, therefore the established church of God has become like a harlot to God.
( Revelation 18:23B ).

The bride of Jesus Christ the Son of God, that is the church of God, has become a harlot in the eyes of God for it did not stay faithful to God and to the Son of God, but it is living for satan instead of living for God and the Son of God. Therefore the church will be punished by God for what it did to God and what it did to the people of God, for it did lead the people of God away from God and away from Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Revelation chapter 17 and chapter 18 and chapter 19:1-10 )

Any true Christians that seeks to obey God and seeks to obey Jesus Christ the Son of God must remove themselves from the established church of God. That is not an option for the people of God, but that is a order of God. If they do not remove themselves from the established church of God then will also be punished by God, for the first established church of God will be destroyed by God.
( Revelation 18:4-8 ).

However, of the people who truly want to obey God must remove themselves not only from the first church that was established by God, but they must remove themselves from all the churches who claim to be from God, for there is no church anywhere on this world that obeys God, for none of churches anywhere are controlled by the Holy Spirit of God, and no church has the gifts of the Spirit of God, and no church on this world can claim anymore that they have the keys of the kingdom of heaven from God, for all of that is removed by God, for no church on this world is faithful to God and faithful to Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Therefore anyone who wants to live by the Spirit of God and wants to obey God must remove themselves from the churches, and they must all join other Christians who also wish to live by the Holy Spirit of God, for all of God’s people must become one in God before the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God from heaven by God, for that is the will and way of God.
( John chapter 17 ).

The church leaders of all of them different churches are not led by the Holy Spirit of God, but they are controlled by their own thinking and reasoning when they read the Bible the word of God. That is why we have so many different sorts of believes among the churches on how to obey God.

All of that confusion is not of God, for the Lord God is not a confusion God. The church was not created in confusion by God. At the beginning of the church all things were controlled by the Holy Spirit and therefore were controlled by God, for the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.
( Isaiah 45:18-19 )( 1 Corinthians 14:33 ).

The church that is placed on this world by God to help people find their way to God and to teach people how to live for God have become unfaithful to God, but all of the people that truly seek to live for God are still loved by God. Therefore they can all receive the Holy Spirit within of God as a gift from God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, for the Son of God opened the way for us to God when He paid for all of our sins on the cross to have our sins forgiven by God.
( Romans 5:12-21 )( Ephesians 2:4-9 )
( Colossians 2:8-15 ).

When we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then the Holy Spirit will teach us how to live for God, therefore we must as individuals ask for that gift from God. If we truly repent of our sins by God, and we open our heart to God and give our whole life to God to be controlled by God and we humbly ask for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God then we will receive the Holy Spirit within of God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

We must not seek our help from the churches to find our way to God, for they all have wandered away from the will and way of God. There is no Church on this world that would allow Jesus Christ the Son of God to teach them the way to God and teach them the will and way of God, for the church leaders are all set in their own ways but they do not live by the Holy Spirit of God.

Therefore we must ask for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God from God, for if we wish to obey God and we wish to live on this world in fullness with God and with Jesus Christ the Son of God then we must not go by the way of the church that is placed on this world by God, but we must live by the teaching within us by the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore we must listen to voice within us of God by the Holy Spirit of God if we wish to live for God.
( John 14: 26 )( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

Only when we live by the Holy Spirit within us of God can be sure that we obey God, any other way will not help us to live for God, for only the Holy Spirit of God knows the will and way of God.
( 1 Corinthians 2:6-14 )( 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 ).

That is the reason why the churches have lost their connection with God, for the Holy Spirit is removed from them by God because they did not wish to live by the Holy Spirit of God. We must take our eyes of the corrupted churches that tell us that they know the way to God, for they lead us away from God. We must place our will in the hands of God, and we must obey the Holy Spirit within us of God, because that is the only way that we can know the will of God, and that is the only way that we can live for God and with God.
( Romans 8: 4-14 ).

Only when we have received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God can be sure that we belong to God and to Jesus Christ the Son of God. That is also the only way we are certain that we will go heaven with God, anything else is make believe it has nothing to do with God.
( Romans 8:16 )( 2 Corinthians 1:22 )
( 2 Corinthians 5:5 )( Ephesians 1:13-14 )
( Ephesians 4:30)( 1 John 3:24 )( 1 John 4:13 )..

If we truly wish to obey God and live for God then we must be born again within by the Spirit of God. We must not only be baptized with water to become part of the kingdom of God, but we must also be baptized with the Holy Spirit of God.
( John 3:3-6 ).

When we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we become one with God, for then God lives within us by the Spirit of God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 )( 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 )
( 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 ).

If we truly repent of our sins by God, and humbly ask for that spiritual life from God, and open our whole heart to God, and we allow our will to be controlled by God, then we will receive that new life within from God. When we have received that new life within from God then we must live in that new life that we have received from God, wherever we are we must live for God and with God. We must not listen to the leaders of the churches, but we must listen to the voice within our mind from God by the Holy Spirit of God, for only then are we doing the will of God.
( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

Most of the leaders within the churches of God are like the leaders of God’s people when Jesus Christ lived on this world for God. Those leaders of the people of God also believed that they lived for God, but they lived for satan, not for God.
( John 8:19-20 )( John 8:42-44 ).

It is the same now within the churches of God, many of the leaders and teachers of the churches think and believe that they live for God, and it may look that they are living for God, but they live for satan, not for God. Those people preach in the name of God, and they preach about Jesus Christ the Son of God, and those leaders in the church of God do all sorts of great things in the name of God, and do all sorts of great things in the name of Jesus the Son of God, and those leaders act as if they are send by God, and those leaders say all sorts of kind things to the people of God, but they live for satan, not for God because they do not obey God, for they do not live by the Holy Spirit of God.
( Matthew 7:15-23 ).

Many of the leaders and teachers within the churches are placed there by satan, not by God. They use the Bible to preach to the people of God, and they speak about God, and speak about Jesus Christ the Son of God, but they do not bring people the God, for they are not of God. If we follow their way of teaching then we will end up in hell not in heaven with God. All this was foretold many years ago by God to warn the people of God that those leaders would come within the church of God, and among the people of God.
( Jeremiah 23:16-22 ).

However, the Christians that wish to please God must live by the Spirit of God. We must not follow the teaching and preaching within the church of God, and we must not practices what the leaders teach us within the church of God, for then we allow those leaders to hinder us from obeying God. Because there is no church that would want Jesus Christ the Son of God to stand on their pulpits and teach them about God, for there is no church that obeys God. We must listen to the Holy Spirit within us of God, and we must obey the teaching of God’s Holy Spirit within us from God, for only then do we please God, and only then will we accepted in heaven by God. There is no other way to do things right for God.
( Luke 12:11-12 )( John 14:26 )( John 16:12-15 ).

God is a faithful God and a loving God, and God will draw anyone to Jesus Christ the Son of God to be saved from the sinfulness that surrounds us on this world of God, but we must have a willing heart and mind to obey God. But if we place our hope in the teachings of the churches then we will never please God, and then we will never live in fullness with God. But if we humbly seek the will of God by the Spirit of God then we are surrounded by the love and grace of God.
( James 4:8-10 ).

Only through Jesus Christ the Son of God are we accepted by God, there is no other way to be accepted by God, for Jesus the Son of God opened the way for us to God by paying for our sins by God.
( John 1:12 )( John 3:16-18 )
( John 14:6 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

Any other way that we look for to be accepted by God leads to hell, not to God, for there is no other way to be accepted by God. Only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God are we accepted by God, and are we forgiven of our sins by God.
( Ephesians 2:5-9 ).

And we can only live for God if we live by the Spirit of God, for only the people who live by the Spirit of God belong to God.
( Romans 8:14 ).

We must not just ask for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God by God, but when we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we must be fully controlled by the Spirit of God, for our whole life must be wrapped up in God if we wish to please God.
( Ephesians 5:18 ).

When our eyes are opened by God to ask for that new life within from God, and we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we must seek with all of our heart and mind and strength to live in fullness with God, for that is what Jesus paid for when He died on the cross to remove the sins that stand between us and God. Therefore we must always seek to live in fullness on this world with God after we have received that new live within from God.
( 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 )( Ephesians 3:14-19 ).

If we do not live in friendship and fullness on this world with God then we do not please God, for than we do not truly love God. If we do not truly love God then all of the other things we do for God also have no value by God. All of the things we do on this world in the name of God are meaningless to God if our heart is not wrapped up in God. Religions will someday be all removed by God, and all the people who seek their strength in them religions will also be removed by God, only the people who truly love God will live forever with God, for they are the true people of God.
( 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ).

If we hang on to our religions then we will never love God, for then our religion is our god. Our religion will never help us to live in fullness with God and truly love God, we must be willing to let go of our religion and place our whole life in the hands of God, and we must truly love God, for then we live in the will and way of God.
( Deuteronomy 6:4-5 )( Mark 12:28-31 )
( Luke 10:25-28 ).

We must not listen to the leaders and people within the church of God who tell us all sorts of false things about God, and who tell us that all is well with us and God, for most people within the church of God do not live for God, therefore they will lead us in the hell not in heaven with God. We must only listen to the voice within our mind of God through Spirit within us of God.
( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

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