Sunday, September 6, 2009


Posted by George Soepboer Sr

The keys of the kingdom of heaven that the church received from God.

Before Jesus Christ the Son of God was taken up into heaven by God He give the rulers of His church the keys of the kingdom of heaven from God. The church leaders received great power from God to rule the church of God. All of the rules and laws they made for the church of God would be accepted in heaven by God, for they would be empowered by the Holy Spirit of God to make laws and loosen laws for the church of God, and they also did receive power from God to forgive sins on this world in the name of God.
( Matthew 16:18-19 )( Matthew 18:17-18 )
( John 20:22-23 ).

All authority was given to Jesus the Son of God, by God.
( Matthew 28:18 ).

However, the church also received power and authority from God to rule the church of God, for they received the Holy Spirit within of God.
( Acts 1:4-5 )( Acts 2:1-4 ).

But they did have to live by the Holy Spirit of God and obey the Spirit of God. If they did not obey the Holy Spirit of God then they would lose that great power and authority from God, for then the Holy Spirit would be removed from them by God.
( Revelation 2:4-5 ).

The church leaders did have to be faithful to God in everything that was entrusted to them by God, if they acted faithful with that power that was entrusted to them by God then that great power would be theirs to the return of Jesus the Son of God from heaven by God, but if they did not obey God then that great power would be removed from them by God. It is the same as when Adam and Eve were placed in paradise by God, Adam and Eve also received a great promise from God. Adam and Eve were told by God if they did obey God they would live forever on this world of God, but if they did not obey God and turned their back on God then they would die and lose that gift from God.
( Genesis 2 15-17 )( Genesis 3: 1-7 ).

Adam and Eve lost that great gift from God, for they did not obey God but they turned their back on God.
( Genesis 3:8-24 ).

When the Jewish people were removed from Egypt by God then they were promised a great country to live in by God, but the Jewish people would only enjoy that promise from God if they did obey God. Most of the Jewish people did not obey God but turned their back on God; therefore they were removed from the promised-land and lost that gift from God.
( Deuteronomy chapter 28 ).

That is also what did happen to the church of God. The church received great powers from God, but they would only keep that power from God if they did obey God. The same laws were placed on church by God as were placed on Adam and Eve in paradise by God, and that was placed on the Jewish people when they were placed in the promised-land by God. But like Adam and Eve the leaders within the church of God did not obey God but they turned their back on God. And the leaders within the church of God acted like the Jewish people that were placed in the promised land by God who turned their back on God, therefore the church also lost the great gifts from God, for the church leaders are corrupt and wondered away from God, for the leaders of the church of God teach evil doctrines to the people of God, they are leading God’s people into sorcery not in the way of God.
( Revelation 18:23B ).

God’s people do no receive the true teaching of God within the established church of God, for the church leaders lie to the people of God; they lead God’s people into sin, not into the way of God. The church leaders within the established church of God are placed there by satan, not by God, therefore the leaders within the established church of God are servants of satan, not servants of God. All of this was foretold through the prophet Jeremiah by God, to warn the people of God that this time of evil would come within the church of God.
( Jeremiah 23:16-22 ).

Many people rebelled against the church leaders at the time of the reformation from God within the Church of God, for many people wanted to obey God and live for God and live in fellowship with God, therefore many people did remove themselves from the established church of God when the established church of God did not wish to open itself to the reformation of God.

However, outside the established church of God it was also hard to live for God, for satan was hard at work to destroy everything that was placed on this world by God. When many Christians removed themselves from the church of God to be free from the corruption within the established church of God then they also fell into many wrong man made doctrines that did not bring them together as the people of God. All of them man made doctrines did not bring them together as the people of God, but it broke them apart, for many of them doctrines also were not from God. Therefore outside the established church of God they did also find it hard to live for God, for those churches also did not have the keys of the kingdom of God, for none of those churches also are not controlled by the Holy Spirit of God, however, those church leaders act and speak as if they are from God, for they are religious but they do not live by the Holy Spirit of God.
( Matthew 7:15-23 ).

The Lord God does not bring confusion and chaos within the church of God by bringing all sorts of doctrine among the people of God, all of that chaos and confusion is the work of people that live for satan instead of living by the Holy Spirit of God.
( Isaiah 45:18-19 )( 1 Corinthians 14:33 ).

Without the power of the Holy Spirit of God people are not able to agree on the way and will of God, for without the help of the Holy Spirit of God people are not able to find the true way and will of God. There is no church anymore that can claim that they still have them great gifts of power from God, for the keys of the kingdom of God are all removed by God, therefore we have so many different sort of Christian churches who all claim that they are from God, for those people do not live by the Holy Spirit of God.

Many people obey and believe those false teachers within the established church and outside the established church of God that claim to be from God, for many people that claim to live for God also live for satan, not for God.
( 2 timothy 4:1-4 ).

There is no church anymore that is guided by the Holy Spirit of God. All of the churches that exist have the Bible the word of God, but they are guided by their own mind when they read the Bible the word of God, not by the Holy Spirit of God. Their own thoughts lead them through the Bible the word of God, but they are not guided by God.

That is the reason why we have so many different church doctrines that are all claimed to be from God by the people who write them in the name of God. But without the Holy Spirit of God no one can know the will and way of God, for it is only the Spirit of God who know the will and way of God.
( 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 )( 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 ).

God’s people tear each-other apart with their man-made doctrines that they claim are from God, but none of those people bring God’s people the true word of God, for the leaders of the churches have lost the gift of power from God, for they do not live by the Holy Spirit of God. And the people within all of them churches do not know how to obey God, for those teachers do not teach them the truth about God.
( Acts 20:28-31 ).

The church was placed on the world by God to bring people to God, and to teach people the will and way of God.
( Matthew 28-18-20 )

However, the established church is deceiving the people of God by teaching them the way of satan, not the way and will of God. They teach people sorcery but they do not teach them to live by the Spirit of God, therefore the established church of God has become like a harlot to God.
( Revelation 18:23B ).

The bride of Jesus Christ the Son of God, that is the church of God, has become a harlot in the eyes of God for it did not stay faithful to God and to the Son of God, but it is living for satan instead of living for God and the Son of God. Therefore the church will be punished by God for what it did to God and what it did to the people of God, for it did lead the people of God away from God and away from Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Revelation chapter 17 and chapter 18 and chapter 19:1-10 )

Any true Christians that seeks to obey God and seeks to obey Jesus Christ the Son of God must remove themselves from the established church of God. That is not an option for the people of God, but that is a order of God. If they do not remove themselves from the established church of God then will also be punished by God, for the first established church of God will be destroyed by God.
( Revelation 18:4-8 ).

However, of the people who truly want to obey God must remove themselves not only from the first church that was established by God, but they must remove themselves from all the churches who claim to be from God, for there is no church anywhere on this world that obeys God, for none of churches anywhere are controlled by the Holy Spirit of God, and no church has the gifts of the Spirit of God, and no church on this world can claim anymore that they have the keys of the kingdom of heaven from God, for all of that is removed by God, for no church on this world is faithful to God and faithful to Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Therefore anyone who wants to live by the Spirit of God and wants to obey God must remove themselves from the churches, and they must all join other Christians who also wish to live by the Holy Spirit of God, for all of God’s people must become one in God before the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God from heaven by God, for that is the will and way of God.
( John chapter 17 ).

The church leaders of all of them different churches are not led by the Holy Spirit of God, but they are controlled by their own thinking and reasoning when they read the Bible the word of God. That is why we have so many different sorts of believes among the churches on how to obey God.

All of that confusion is not of God, for the Lord God is not a confusion God. The church was not created in confusion by God. At the beginning of the church all things were controlled by the Holy Spirit and therefore were controlled by God, for the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.
( Isaiah 45:18-19 )( 1 Corinthians 14:33 ).

The church that is placed on this world by God to help people find their way to God and to teach people how to live for God have become unfaithful to God, but all of the people that truly seek to live for God are still loved by God. Therefore they can all receive the Holy Spirit within of God as a gift from God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, for the Son of God opened the way for us to God when He paid for all of our sins on the cross to have our sins forgiven by God.
( Romans 5:12-21 )( Ephesians 2:4-9 )
( Colossians 2:8-15 ).

When we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then the Holy Spirit will teach us how to live for God, therefore we must as individuals ask for that gift from God. If we truly repent of our sins by God, and we open our heart to God and give our whole life to God to be controlled by God and we humbly ask for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God then we will receive the Holy Spirit within of God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

We must not seek our help from the churches to find our way to God, for they all have wandered away from the will and way of God. There is no Church on this world that would allow Jesus Christ the Son of God to teach them the way to God and teach them the will and way of God, for the church leaders are all set in their own ways but they do not live by the Holy Spirit of God.

Therefore we must ask for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God from God, for if we wish to obey God and we wish to live on this world in fullness with God and with Jesus Christ the Son of God then we must not go by the way of the church that is placed on this world by God, but we must live by the teaching within us by the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore we must listen to voice within us of God by the Holy Spirit of God if we wish to live for God.
( John 14: 26 )( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

Only when we live by the Holy Spirit within us of God can be sure that we obey God, any other way will not help us to live for God, for only the Holy Spirit of God knows the will and way of God.
( 1 Corinthians 2:6-14 )( 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 ).

That is the reason why the churches have lost their connection with God, for the Holy Spirit is removed from them by God because they did not wish to live by the Holy Spirit of God. We must take our eyes of the corrupted churches that tell us that they know the way to God, for they lead us away from God. We must place our will in the hands of God, and we must obey the Holy Spirit within us of God, because that is the only way that we can know the will of God, and that is the only way that we can live for God and with God.
( Romans 8: 4-14 ).

Only when we have received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God can be sure that we belong to God and to Jesus Christ the Son of God. That is also the only way we are certain that we will go heaven with God, anything else is make believe it has nothing to do with God.
( Romans 8:16 )( 2 Corinthians 1:22 )
( 2 Corinthians 5:5 )( Ephesians 1:13-14 )
( Ephesians 4:30)( 1 John 3:24 )( 1 John 4:13 )..

If we truly wish to obey God and live for God then we must be born again within by the Spirit of God. We must not only be baptized with water to become part of the kingdom of God, but we must also be baptized with the Holy Spirit of God.
( John 3:3-6 ).

When we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we become one with God, for then God lives within us by the Spirit of God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 )( 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 )
( 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 ).

If we truly repent of our sins by God, and humbly ask for that spiritual life from God, and open our whole heart to God, and we allow our will to be controlled by God, then we will receive that new life within from God. When we have received that new life within from God then we must live in that new life that we have received from God, wherever we are we must live for God and with God. We must not listen to the leaders of the churches, but we must listen to the voice within our mind from God by the Holy Spirit of God, for only then are we doing the will of God.
( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

Most of the leaders within the churches of God are like the leaders of God’s people when Jesus Christ lived on this world for God. Those leaders of the people of God also believed that they lived for God, but they lived for satan, not for God.
( John 8:19-20 )( John 8:42-44 ).

It is the same now within the churches of God, many of the leaders and teachers of the churches think and believe that they live for God, and it may look that they are living for God, but they live for satan, not for God. Those people preach in the name of God, and they preach about Jesus Christ the Son of God, and those leaders in the church of God do all sorts of great things in the name of God, and do all sorts of great things in the name of Jesus the Son of God, and those leaders act as if they are send by God, and those leaders say all sorts of kind things to the people of God, but they live for satan, not for God because they do not obey God, for they do not live by the Holy Spirit of God.
( Matthew 7:15-23 ).

Many of the leaders and teachers within the churches are placed there by satan, not by God. They use the Bible to preach to the people of God, and they speak about God, and speak about Jesus Christ the Son of God, but they do not bring people the God, for they are not of God. If we follow their way of teaching then we will end up in hell not in heaven with God. All this was foretold many years ago by God to warn the people of God that those leaders would come within the church of God, and among the people of God.
( Jeremiah 23:16-22 ).

However, the Christians that wish to please God must live by the Spirit of God. We must not follow the teaching and preaching within the church of God, and we must not practices what the leaders teach us within the church of God, for then we allow those leaders to hinder us from obeying God. Because there is no church that would want Jesus Christ the Son of God to stand on their pulpits and teach them about God, for there is no church that obeys God. We must listen to the Holy Spirit within us of God, and we must obey the teaching of God’s Holy Spirit within us from God, for only then do we please God, and only then will we accepted in heaven by God. There is no other way to do things right for God.
( Luke 12:11-12 )( John 14:26 )( John 16:12-15 ).

God is a faithful God and a loving God, and God will draw anyone to Jesus Christ the Son of God to be saved from the sinfulness that surrounds us on this world of God, but we must have a willing heart and mind to obey God. But if we place our hope in the teachings of the churches then we will never please God, and then we will never live in fullness with God. But if we humbly seek the will of God by the Spirit of God then we are surrounded by the love and grace of God.
( James 4:8-10 ).

Only through Jesus Christ the Son of God are we accepted by God, there is no other way to be accepted by God, for Jesus the Son of God opened the way for us to God by paying for our sins by God.
( John 1:12 )( John 3:16-18 )
( John 14:6 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

Any other way that we look for to be accepted by God leads to hell, not to God, for there is no other way to be accepted by God. Only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God are we accepted by God, and are we forgiven of our sins by God.
( Ephesians 2:5-9 ).

And we can only live for God if we live by the Spirit of God, for only the people who live by the Spirit of God belong to God.
( Romans 8:14 ).

We must not just ask for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God by God, but when we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we must be fully controlled by the Spirit of God, for our whole life must be wrapped up in God if we wish to please God.
( Ephesians 5:18 ).

When our eyes are opened by God to ask for that new life within from God, and we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we must seek with all of our heart and mind and strength to live in fullness with God, for that is what Jesus paid for when He died on the cross to remove the sins that stand between us and God. Therefore we must always seek to live in fullness on this world with God after we have received that new live within from God.
( 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 )( Ephesians 3:14-19 ).

If we do not live in friendship and fullness on this world with God then we do not please God, for than we do not truly love God. If we do not truly love God then all of the other things we do for God also have no value by God. All of the things we do on this world in the name of God are meaningless to God if our heart is not wrapped up in God. Religions will someday be all removed by God, and all the people who seek their strength in them religions will also be removed by God, only the people who truly love God will live forever with God, for they are the true people of God.
( 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ).

If we hang on to our religions then we will never love God, for then our religion is our god. Our religion will never help us to live in fullness with God and truly love God, we must be willing to let go of our religion and place our whole life in the hands of God, and we must truly love God, for then we live in the will and way of God.
( Deuteronomy 6:4-5 )( Mark 12:28-31 )
( Luke 10:25-28 ).

We must not listen to the leaders and people within the church of God who tell us all sorts of false things about God, and who tell us that all is well with us and God, for most people within the church of God do not live for God, therefore they will lead us in the hell not in heaven with God. We must only listen to the voice within our mind of God through Spirit within us of God.
( 1 John 2:26-27 ).


Posted by George Soepboer Sr

There is one God, Who is the Lord God. Everyone else lives by the power of that God, and everyone lives under the authority of that God, nothing can exist without that God

There is only one God He is the Lord God. All power is in that God, and all power comes from that God, there is no power apart from that God. Every power that exists is empowered by that God. Everyone else and anything else exist by the power of that God. There is no-one anywhere who can exist without that God. There is also nothing else that can exist without that God, for only the Lord God He is God, there is no other power, and there is no other God.
( Exodus 3:13-15 )( Deuteronomy 6-4 )
( Mark 12:29 )( John 17:3 )( 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 )
( 1 timothy 2:5 ).

Everything that exists on this world and in the universe is created by the power of that Almighty Lord God.
(Genesis chapter 1, and chapter 2 )( Ephesians 3:9 )
( Revelation 4:11 )( Revelation 10:6 ).

Everything everywhere came into being by the will and power of the Lord God, not through evolution but by the spoken word of God.
( Psalms 33:6-9 )( Psalms 148:5 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God was the first to be created by God, before anyone else or anything else was brought into being by God the Son of God was created by God.
( Colossians 1:15 )( Revelation 3:14 ).

Before anyone else or anything else was created by God Jesus the Son of God was with God.
( John 1:1 )( Colossians 1:17 )( 1 John 1:1 ).

Jesus is the only Son of God, for He is created directly by God to be always with God before anything else and anyone else came into being by the will of God.
( John 1:14 )( John 3:16 )( 1 John 4:9 ).

After Jesus the Son of God was created by God then everything else and everyone else was not created directly by God, but through Jesus the Son of God.
( John 1:1-3 )( Colossians 1:15-19 )( Hebrews 1:2 ).

The created Son of God became the begotten Son of God when the personal substance of God was placed within the womb of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit of God.
( Luke 1:26-35 ).

Then the spirit of the created Son of God was placed within the womb of the virgin Mary to bring onto the world Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Hebrews 10:5 ).

Then Jesus the created Son of God became the begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God.
( Acts 13:32-33 )( Hebrews 1:5 )( Hebrews 5:5 ).

Then Mary became the mother of the created and begotten Son of God.
(Luke 1: 31-32 )( Luke 1: 35B ).

Everything was not only created by God through the Son of God, but everything was created by God for the Son of God, and everything everywhere is sustained by God through the Son of God. Everything we receive from God also comes to us through the Son of God. We can also never be part of God without Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( 1 Corinthians 8:6 )( Colossians 1:1-20 ).

However, the Son of God did not receive full authority over everything from God until He paid for our sins on the cross to restore our full relationship with God.
( Matthew 28:18 )( Luke 10:22 )( Philippians 2:5-11 )
( 1 Peter 3:22 )( Psalm 2:7-8 ).

Jesus the Son of God was created by God to resemble God, or to reflect God. That makes the Son of God the image of God, or the likeness of God, but the Son of God is not equal to God.
( Colossians 1:15 )( 2 Corinthians 4:4B )
( John 14:8:11).

Jesus is Lord and God for He is the Son of God, but the Son of God is not the Almighty Lord God.
( John 1:1-2 )( John 20:18 )
( Hebrews 1:8-9 )( Isaiah 9:6 ).

For God the Father of the Son of God is greater then the Son of God, for the Son of God is created by the Father the Lord God.
( John 10:28-30 ).( John 14:28 )
( 1 Corinthians 11:3 )( 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 ).

People are also called gods by God, but that does not make them equal to God.
( Psalms 82:6 )( John 10:34-35 ).

satan is also called god, but that does not make satan equal to God.( 2 Corinthians 4:4 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God has to obey God like all of the other creatures that are created by God.
( Matthew 26:39 )( Philippians 2:8 )( Hebrews 5:8 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God also lives by the power of God like everyone else depended on God.
( John 5:19 )( John 8:28 )( John 12:49-50 ).

All things also are not known by the Son of God, but all things are known by the Lord God.
( Mark 13: 31-32 )

However, we may never belittle Jesus the Son of God, for we cannot do without the Jesus the Son of God if we wish to be part of the Lord God. If we do not accept the Son of God as our only Savior to be accepted by God then we also will never be accepted by God.
( John 3:16-18 )( John 14:6 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

Jesus the Son of God died and paid for our sins by God for us to be forgiven of our sins by God, and for us to find acceptance by God.
( John 1:29 )( Romans 6:10 )( Hebrews 7:27 )
( 1 Peter 3:18 )( 1 John 2:2 ).

We must honor Jesus the Son of God as we honor God. If we do not honor Jesus the Son of God as we honor God than we do not honor God.
( John 5:23 ).

Everyone and everything everywhere is placed under the authority of Jesus Christ the Son of God by the Lord God, therefore we must honor Jesus the Son of God as we honor God.
( Matthew 28:18 )( John 13:3 )( John 16:15 ).

All things are created by God through the Son of God, and all things are controlled by God through the Son of God.
( John 1:3 )( 1 Corinthians 8:6 ).

Jesus the Son of God died on the cross for us to pay for our sins to make us right with God, for our sins separated us from God, but He paid for our sins on the cross to be forgiven of our sins by God and to be accepted by God.
( Romans 5:12-21 )( Colossians 2:8-15 ).

If we do not accept Jesus the Son of God as our only Savior to God then we will never be accepted by God, for only through Jesus the Son of God are we be accepted by God. If we do not belong to the Son of God then we also do not belong to God, for no one can be part of God without Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( John 1:12 )( John 3:16-18 )( John 14:6 )
( I John 2:22-23 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

Jesus the Son of God is the only Savior that makes us acceptable to God, for He is our only lifeline to God. For all sins separates us from God, but Jesus Christ the Son of God paid with His life for our sins on the cross to remove them sins by God.
( Matthew chapter 27 )( Mark 10:45 )
( Galatians 4:4-5 )( 1 Timothy 2:5-6 )( 1 Peter 2:24 ).

If we place our trust in the Son of God to be accepted by God then our sins are removed by God that stand between us and God, but if we reject Jesus the Son of God as our only Savior to God then we are rejected by God and than we will remain in our sins, and than we will be condemned by God and be punished in hell for our sins by God.
( John 3:16-17 ).

For we all have sinned against God, therefore we all need Jesus Christ the Son of God to have our sins removed by God if we do not wish to be punished for our sins in hell by God.
( Romans 3:23 )( 1 John 1:8 ).

We must never place our hope in the things we do for others and for God to makes us acceptable to God, for none of them things will ever make us acceptable to God. It is only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God that our sins can be removed by God.
( Ephesians 2:4-9 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God did not only pay with His life on the cross for the sins of the people by God, but His suffering on the cross also paid for the sins that are committed by the creatures in heaven by God, for He also paid for their sins by God.
Only through Jesus Christ the Son of God are all things and creatures made right with God.
And only through Jesus Christ the Son of God are all things and creatures acceptable to God.
( Colossians 1:20 ).

When Jesus Christ the Son of God came from heaven by God to this world to die and pay for our sins by God then He did not represent Himself, but He represented God.
( John 5:19 )( John 12:49-50 )
( John 14:10 )( John 14:24 ).

It was the love of God that did send the Son of God to this world to pay for our sins on the cross to make us right with God.
( John 3:16-18 )( Romans 5:8 )( 1 John 4:9 ).

But it was the willingness and love of the Son of God who accepted that assignment from God, for it is not only the love of God that send the Son of God to this world to pay for our sins by God, but it was also the love of the Son of God that made us right with God, for we are also loved by Jesus the Son of God.
( Galatians 2:20 )( Hebrews 10:5-7 )( Revelation 1:5 ).

Jesus the Son of God is not the Almighty Lord God,
and the Son of God is not equal to His Father God,
but we must never belittle the Son of God, for the Son of God is very great in the eyes of God. The Son of God is not only great in the eyes of God because he is the Son of God, but the Son of God is also great in the eyes of God for what he did for us to make us right with God, by suffering and dying on the cross for our sins by God. Therefore everything is placed under the authority of Jesus the Son of God, by the Lord God.
( Matthew 28:18 )( Luke 10: 22 )( 1 Peter 3:22 ).

The Son of God is also honored by God to sit in heaven at the right hand of God.
( Acts 2:33 )( Mark 16:19 )( Romans 8:34 )
( Colossians 3:1 )( Hebrews 1:3 ).

Jesus the Son of God is greatly empowered by His Father the Lord God, but the Son of God has no power over His Father the Lord God, but the Lord God has authority over the Son of God.
( John 14:28 )( 1 Corinthians 11:3 )
( 1 Corinthians 15:27 ).

And someday when His work is done for his Father the Lord God then the Son of God will return that power and authority back to his Father the Lord God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:28 ).

However, if we look for anything by God then we must pray in the name of Jesus the Son of God to God.
( John 15:16 )( John 16:23-24 ).

For everything is done by the Almighty Lord God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Colossians 1:19-20 )( Colossians 2:9-10 ).

But we may not pray to Jesus the Son of God, for all power belongs to the Lord God. We may only pray to the Lord God who is our Father through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Matthew 6:9 ).


Posted by George Soepboer Sr

All people will receive a opportunity to be saved by the grace of God,also the people in hell will receive that opportunity from God

All people will receive the opportunity from God to be saved from the everlasting punishment of their sins by God. But they must all humble themselves before God and repent of their sins by God and beg for mercy by God if they wish to be accepted by God.
( Joel 2:32 )( Acts 2:21 )( Romans 10:12-13 ).

Moreover, all people must also accept Jesus Christ the Son of God as their only Savior to God to be forgiven of their sins by God, for Jesus Christ the Son of God opened the way for us to God to receive that grace of God, for He paid with His life for all of our sins by God.
( John 1:29 )( Romans 6:10 )( Hebrews 7:27 )
( 1 Peter 3:18 )( 1 John 2:2 ).

Without Jesus the Son of God there is no hope to receive mercy from God and to be accepted by God.
( John 1:12 )( John 3:16-18 )( John 14:6 )
( Romans 3:23-26 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

Also all of the people who on this world have not obeyed God who are placed in hell by God to be punished for their sins by God will someday receive a opportunity from God to make things right with God. At the last judgment-day of God all people in hell will be removed from hell by God and will all receive that grace from God to beg for mercy by God. All people that will plead for mercy by God at the last judgment-day of God are known by the foreknowledge of God that they will someday make things right with God, therefore their names are written in the book of life from God before this world was created by God.
( Revelation 20:11-15 ).

All people will have a opportunity to decide if they wish to be with satan forever, or if they wish to be with God before everything in heaven and on this world is made new by God.
For in the new heaven and on the new world no one will oppose God, but all will live in fullness with God.
( Revelation 21:1-8 ).

Anyone in hell who will repent of their sins before God and beg for mercy by God at the last judgment-day of God and is willing to accept Jesus the Son of God as their only Savior to God will be forgiven of their sins by God, and then they will be accepted by God. For Jesus the Son of God also paid for their sins by God.
( 1 Peter 3:18 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God preached to those spirits in hell the gospel of God after He was raised from the death by God, He told the spirits in hell that He also paid for their sins by God, and that there is hope for them to make things right with God,. But they must willing to repent of their sins by God, and they must receive Jesus Christ the Son of God as their only Savior to be accepted by God.
( 1 Peter 3:18-20 )( 1 Peter 4:6 ).

Christians can be baptized for people who have died and that are placed in hell by God to have their sins forgiven by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:29 ).

However, all of those spirits of those people who did not on the world obey God will be kept under the punishment in hell by God until the last judgment day of God, then they will be removed from hell by God and receive a opportunity to make things right with God.
( 2 Peter 2:4-10 ).

The punishment of hell will never end for the people who do not wish to humble oneself before God and beg for mercy by God, and are not willing to accept Jesus the Son of God as their only Savior to be accepted by God at the lasts judgment-day of God.
( Matthew 18:8 )( Matthew 25:41 )
( Matthew 25:40 )( Revelation 14:9-11 ).

But hell itself will be removed at the last judgment-day of God, for hell also will be thrown into the lake of fire by God with all of the people who are not willing to humble themselves before God and beg for mercy by God.
( Revelation 20:15 ).

Anyone in hell who does not accept the last opportunity that they will receive from God at the last judgment-day of God to repent of their sins by God, and are not willing to accept Jesus Christ the Son of God as their only way to be accepted by God is placed in the everlasting punishment of hell in the lake of fire by God. However, if the people in hell repent of their sins by God, and accept the Son of God as their only way to God then they are accepted in glory by God.
All of the people in hell who will accept the grace of God at the last judgment-day of God are written in the book of life by God by the foreknowledge of God, for all things are known by God. That is why people are written in the book of life by God before they are created by God. All of the other people remain in their sins for those people will never accept the grace of God.
( Revelation 20:15 ).

Many people do not wish hear the truth on this world about God, therefore they will never find the way on this world to God. For most people live for satan, and do not live for God. Most people are blinded by satan, and do not see the way of God.
( 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 ).

Many people who think that they live for God also live for satan, not for God, for many people who think they live for God are also blinded by satan, therefore they also cannot see the way of God.
( Matthew 7:15-23 )( Luke 13:22-28 ).

However, when those people have died and find themselves in the punishment of hell from God then they will know and understand that they have not lived on this world for God. Therefore they all will receive a opportunity at the last judgment-day to make things right with God, for God wants all people to live in the saving grace of God and to be part of the new world of God.
( 1 Timothy 2:1-4 ).

Therefore Christians on this world can be baptized with water on behalf of the people that are in hell to make them part of Jesus Christ the Son of God and to have their sins removed by God if they repent at the last judgment-day of God. For anyone must be part of Jesus the Son of God if they wish to be part of God.
( John 14:6 )( 1 John 2:23 )( 1 John 4:14-15 ).

We can only receive eternal life with God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

But we can only become part of God and Jesus Christ the Son of God if we are baptized with water to have our sins forgiven by God.
( Matthew 28:18-20 ).

For only when we are baptized with water are we forgiven of our sins by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God do we become part of the grace of God. Water baptism is not a option for the people of God, but it is a command from God for all of the people of God.
( Mark 16:15-16 )( John 3:5 )( 1 Peter 3:21 ).

We also must have our children baptized with water to have their sins forgiven by God, for our children also must have their sins forgiven by God.
( Acts 2:37-39 ).

The eyes of all people are blinded by satan therefore they can not see the will and way of God. But when they open their heart to God and accept Jesus the Son of God as their only Savior to God then their eyes are opened by God.
( 2 Corinthians 3:12-18 )

Someday the eyes of all people will be opened by God and then they all will understand the will and way of God when the covering of satan that is over all people is removed by God.
( Isaiah 25:7 ).

Then all people will see the way of God, and then all people will understand the will of God.
(Isaiah 11:9 )( Habakkuk 2:14).

But that time will not come until Jesus Christ the Son of God will return on the clouds to this world from heaven by God. Then everyone will see Jesus Christ the Son God, and then all of the people on this world that did not obey God will understand that they have lived for satan, not for God.
( Revelation 1:7 ).

For many people on this world who think and believe that they live for God, live for satan, not for God.
( Matthew 7:21-23 )( Luke 13:23-28 ).

Most people who believe they live for God live for satan, but satan makes them believe that they live for God, for they are blinded by satan on this world that is why they do not find their way to God.
( Matthew 7:13-14 ).

When Jesus Christ returns to this world to remove the faithful Christian people of God to bring them to heaven by God then Jesus Christ will rule this world from heaven for a thousand years for God.
( Revelation 20:4-6 ).

There will be complete peace on this world for all the people that are left on this world after Jesus the Son of God removed the faithful Christian people of God from this world for God.
( Isaiah 11:6-8 )( Isaiah 65:17-25 )( Micah 4:3-4 ).

For in them thousand years satan will be put away by God, therefore satan cannot deceive anyone on this world at that time when the Son of God rules this world in the thousand years for God.
( Revelation 20:1-3 ).

All the Jewish people will repent of their sins by God at the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God, and all of the Jewish people will accept Jesus Christ the Son of God as their only Savior to God. No one will have to teach the Jewish people at that time how to live for God, for they will all know God and they will all be part of Jesus the Son of God.
( Jeremiah 31:31-34 )( Isaiah 60:1-3 ).

All of the Jewish people that are at time on this world will be saved by the grace of God. And all the Jewish people will then understand that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And they will then understand that Jesus the Son of God is the only way to be accepted by God.
( Romans 11:25-27 ).

The Jewish people who live on this world at that time will teach all of the other people how to live for God, for the Jewish people will be used at that time by God to teach the other people how to live for God, for at that time all of the Jewish people will then understand the true will and way of God.
( Isaiah 2:1-3 )( Isaiah 61:6 )( Micah 4:1-2 ).

But all the Jewish people that live in this world at the return of Jesus The Son of God that have accepted the Son of God as their only way to God before the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God will go to heaven with Jesus with all of the other faithful Christian people that have obeyed God, for they belonged to the faithful people of God.
( Matthew 24:30-31 )( Mark 13:26-27 )
( 1 Thessalonians 4:17 ).

Everyone who lives on this world or did live on this world will receive a opportunity from God to make things right with God before the heaven and this world is renewed by God, for all things in heaven and on this world will be made new by God, and all of the people that humble themselves before God and beg for mercy by God will be part of that new creation from God.
( Revelation 21:1-8 ).

No one will be rejected by God who calls upon God to make thinks right with God, but everyone who humbly begs for mercy by God will receive mercy from God and will be saved from the punishment of his or her sins by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Psalms 145: 18 )( Joel 2:32 )
( Acts 2:21 )( Romans 10:12 ).

For it is the desire of God that all people will accept the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, and that all people will be saved from the punishment of their sins in hell by God.
( 1 Timothy 2:3-4 ).

Most people on this world do not find their way to God, for they are deceived by satan who pretends to be God, therefore they live for satan not for God. But all of those people who die in that darkness of satan and are placed in hell by God to be punished there for their sins by God will receive a opportunity from God at the last judgment-day to make things right with God.
And all of the people that beg for mercy by God at the last judgment-day of God will be removed from the darkness of satan in hell to live on the new world with God.
( Revelation 20:11-15 ).

Al of the people will be judged by Jesus Christ the Son of God by the authority of God.
( Acts 10:42 )( Acts 17:32 )( 2 Corinthians 5:10 )

For all judgment and authority is given to Jesus the Son of God by God.
( John 5:22 )( John 5:26-27 )( Matthew 28:18)

When the work of God is completed through Jesus the Son of God, then the Son of God will give all of that authority back to God, for everything belongs to God..
( 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 ).

All things are from God, and all things are through God, and all things are for God.
( Romans 11:36 )( 1 Corinthians 8:6 )( Ephesians 4:6 ).


Posted by George Soepboer Sr

People have a body a soul and a spirit that is how people are created by God.
( Psalms 16:9 )( Isaiah 26:9 )
( Luke 1:46-47 )( 1 Thessalonians 5:23 ).

The soul of a person is their mind. Through our mind we have the freedom and power within to reason and understand the will and way of God. And we have the power within our mind to do the will of God or to stray from the will of God. By the power of our soul that is our mind we can do good our evil for by that God-given power we can obey God and live for God, or we can decide to live for satan and turn our back on God.
( Luke 1:46 )( Proverbs 21:10 ).

We are created with a free will by God to love God and live in friendship on this world with God, or to turn our back on God.
( Genesis 2:15-17 )( Genesis 3:1-19 ).

It is within the power of our mind to seek the glory and fullness on this world with God, or to remove ourselves from them blessings from God.
( Genesis 2:15-17 )( Genesis 4:6-7 )( Deuteronomy 30:15-20 ).

No other creature on this world has that power within, for no other creature is that way created by God. Only people are created in the image of God and have the power within to rule and control this whole world for God.
( Genesis 1:26-27 ).

Our spirit is also placed within our body by God. Our feelings within us are the feelings of the spirit within us that we have received from God. By our spirit we can create feelings of love and can create feelings of hate toward people and toward God.
( Luke 1:47 )( Psalms 78:8 ).

The spirit is the life within the body that we received from God. Our body cannot live without our spirit that we have received from God.
( Genesis 6:3 )( James 2:26 ).

However, our spirit can live without the body that we received from God. When our body dies then our spirit will leave our body and then our spirit will go to a place of glory with God if on this world we have obeyed God, or our spirit will go to the place of punishment in hell from God, if on this world we did not obey God.
( Luke 16:19-24 ).

Our mind will never die, but the freedom and power of our mind will die with our body if on this world we did not obey God, for then the freedom and power of our mind is removed by God.
( Matthew 10:28 ).

However, if we have lived on this world for God and with God then our mind will retain the freedom and power that we received from God.
( Revelation 6:9-11 ).

When a person has not lived on this world for God then their spirit is placed in hell by God.
Then the power of their mind will die with their body for that mind will lose the freedom and will-power that it received from God, for the spirit of that person that is in hell will not have the freedom to repent of their sins in hell by God, for that freedom is removed by God from anyone who did not live on this world for God. On this world we are free to obey God and to live for God, but in hell people are completely bond by the power of satan and they cannot come into contact with God. In hell people cannot free themselves to repent of their sins before God, for they have lost that freedom if they are placed in hell by God, for the spirits in hell are completely removed from the love and grace of God.
(Ezekiel 18:4 ).

At the final judgment-day then the spirits in hell will receive that freedom of their soul once more from God to repent of their sins by God and to make things right with God. Then they can plead for the grace of God to be forgiven of his or her sins by God in the name of Jesus the Son of God. But if they refuse to make use of that freedom at the last judgment-day of God and do not repent of his or her sins at that time by God then his or her spirit will be forever placed in darkness by God and be punished forever by God.
( Revelation 20:11-15).

How different for a person who has lived on this world for God and for Jesus Christ the Son of God, for when their body dies than their soul with their spirit will be in complete freedom in heaven by God to bring praise and honor and glory to God and to Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Revelation 7: 9-17 ).

That freedom will last forever with God, for that freedom will continue someday on the new world with God when this world is renewed by God.
(Revelation 21:1-5 ).

Therefore we must never fear people what they can do to us and will do to us if we obey God, for people cannot destroy our soul and our spirit that we received from God. People can only destroy our body that we received from God; our soul can only be destroyed by God. But if we are faithful on this world for God and obey God then our soul will not be destroyed by God, but then our soul and spirit will be saved by God and be forever with God.
( Matthew 10:28 ).

Every person on this world has a choice to open their heart to God, and to place their will in the hands of God, and to honor God, and to pray for help by God. For all people on this world can pray to God, and all people on this world know of the existence of God, and all people on this world know that we must honor and obey God. All of that knowledge is created in every person by God.
( Romans 1:18-22 ).

However, every person on this world is under the power of satan until they call upon God and beg for mercy by God, and surrenders their life to God, and when they receive the Holy Spirit within of God. For all people are controlled by satan until they are set free from the power of satan by God.
( 2 Corinthians 4:4 ).

But when people call upon on God and repent of their sins by God and beg for mercy by God, and when they place their life in the hands of God, and when they ask for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God then they are set free from the power of satan by God and receive a new life within from God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

Only by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God do we receive complete freedom within our mind from God to understand how we must live for God. And only when we receive that new live within from God can we truly live on this world for God and live in fellowship on this world with God.
( 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 )( Ephesians 3:14-19 ).

Any person who does not have the Holy Spirit living within of God and does not live by the Spirit of God lives for satan on this world, not for God.
( Romans 8:4-14 ).

All people can pray to God, and all people can seek help and mercy by God also the people that do not have the Holy Spirit living within them of God, for we all have the freedom within to call upon God and beg for mercy by God, for that is the way we are created by God.
( Joel 2:32 )( Acts 2:21 )( Romans 10:12-13 ).

However, that freedom will be removed from us when we die if we do not submit in this life to God, for if we die without having things right with God than that freedom to pray to God will be removed from us by God. In hell people are completely separated from God, in hell people cannot come into contact with God, in hell people cannot pray to God. In hell people are completely in the power and darkness of satan and cannot call upon God. On this world we can always make things right with God for we are always in the light of God and we can always call upon God, but not when we are placed in hell by God, for in hell we are completely removed from the grace and love of God.
( Matthew 22:13 )( Matthew 25:30 ).

Our spirit is made to live forever that is the way our spirit is created by God. If we do good or bad on this world our spirit will return to God.
( Ecclesiastes 12:7 )

When our spirit returns to God then we are judged by God. If on this world we have obeyed God and have trusted in the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God then our spirit is accepted in heaven by God. But if we obeyed satan on this world instead of God then our spirit is placed in hell by God.
( Romans 2:16 )( Romans 14:10 )( 2 Corinthians 5:10 )

When the first man was created from the dust by God his body did not become alive until the breath of God was placed within that body by God, then his body become alive by the will and power of God, for then the body that was created from the earth by God received a spirit and soul from God. Then that body became a living being by the power of God.
( Genesis 2:7 ).

The first woman was also created in a special way by God, and she also received a soul and a spirit within that body from God.
( Genesis 2:21-23 ).

But all other people are formed complete in the womb of a woman with a body and spirit and soul by God before they come on this world of God. That is why when we are born then we have a body a soul and a Spirit for that is the way things are created by God.
( Ecclesiastes 11:5 )( Psalms 139:13 )( Zechariah 12:1 ).

The body and soul and spirit of a person are created by God to live forever on this world of God. However, the people were warned by God that if they did not obey God then they would be removed from this world by God.
( Genesis 2:17 ).

Therefore the people died for they did obey satan but they did not obey God. When people turned their back on God then they also lost their fellowship and fullness on this world with God.
( Genesis 3:17-19).

Before people disobeyed God they did not only have their spirit living within them that they received from God, but they also did have the Holy Spirit living within them of God, and they lived in friendship and fullness on this world with God by the Holy Spirit living within them of God. But when they disobeyed God and turned their back on God then sin separated them from God, and then they lost that fullness and friendship with God, for then the Holy Spirit within them of God was removed by God, for all sin separates us from God.
( Isaiah 59:2 ).

However, people can all obey God also when they do not have the Holy Spirit living within us of God, for that knowledge all people have received within from God. We all have received a mind from God to obey God or to reject God. We can never use the excuse that we did not know about God, for everyone knows that there is a God, and everyone knows that they must obey that God. Even if people do not know much about God they all know that there is a God, for they know that all live is created by God and that everything else is created by God. Anyone who does not accept that everything came into being by God and that everything belongs to God willfully disobeys God, for those people know that they sin against God.
( Romans 1:18-32 ).

But people cannot live in fullness and friendship on this world with God without the Holy Spirit living within them of God. When we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God then we are one with God, for then God lives within us by the Spirit of God, and only then can we live in friendship and fullness on this world with God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 )( 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 )
( 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 ).

When Adam and Eve lost their friendship with God because they sinned against God then a Savior was promised by God who would restore for them and for all of us that relationship and friendship with God. That Savior would undo the wrong things that people did against God and remove their sins by God.
( Genesis 3:14-15 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God is that promised Savior from God. If we accept the Son of God as our only Savior to God, and we repent of our sins by God, and we surrender our life to God, and we ask for the indwelling of Spirit of God, then we can live in fellowship and fullness on this world with God, in the same way as Adam and Eve lived before they turned their back on God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

Adam and Eve made us a slave to satan and sin when they obeyed satan and turned their back on God, but Jesus Christ the Son of God paid for all them sins by God when He died on the cross to restore that relationship for people to live on this world with God like Adam and Eve lived before they turned their back on God.
( Romans 5:12-21 ).

People are created in the likeness of God to live in friendship and fullness on this world with God, All other creatures did not receive that gift from God when they were created by God.
( Genesis 1:26-27 ).

We have received a body form and a spirit and a soul from God to be like God.
There is also a body form of God.
( Exodus 33:18-23 )( Matthew 5:8 ).
There is also a Soul within that body form of God.
( Leviticus 26:11 )( Leviticus 26:30 ).
The Holy Spirit also lives within that body form of God, for the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.
( Isaiah 63:10 )( Matthew 12:18 ).b

However, our body form and spirit and soul are not equal to God, for we are not equal to God, and we will never be the equal to God. We are made in the likeness of God, but we can never compare ourselves to God or make any image of God. Our spirit and soul is not like the Spirit and Soul of God. For our mind cannot even begin to comprehend God or understand God, for all of the people together on this world are less then nothingness compared to God.
( Psalms 62:9 )( Isaiah 40:17 )( Daniel 4:35 ).

Nevertheless, God did create us into to the image of God, that is why we have a body form and a spirit and a soul like God.
( Psalms 16:9 )( 1 Thessalonians 5:23 )
( Luke 1:46-47 )( Isaiah 26:9 ).

Our spirit lives within our body that we have received from God.
( 1 Corinthians 2:11 ).

Our spirit will someday be removed from our body by God.
( 2 Corinthians 5:1-9 )( 2 Peter 1:13-14 ).

The bodies of Adam and Eve are created from the earth by God.
( Genesis 2:7 )
But their bodies did return to the earth for they sinned against God.
( genesis 17-19 ).

Our body will also someday return to the earth for we all have sinned again God.
( Romans 3:23 ).

But the spirit of Adam and Eve returned to God, and our spirit will also return to God.
(Ecclesiastes 12:7 ).

Our spirit will then be judged by God how it did live within our body that we received from God, for our spirit is in full control of our body that we received from God.
( Romans 2:16 )( 2 Corinthians 5:10-12 ).

If our spirit has lived on this world within our body for God and with God, then it will be placed in a place of glory that is in heaven with God. But if our spirit did not please God then it will be placed in a place of shame and punishment, that is in hell, were we are completely removed from the love of God.
( Luke 16:19-31 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God also receive a body from God when He was placed on this world by God, and the spirit of the Son of God was placed into that body by God in the same way as our spirit is placed within our body by God.
( Hebrews 10:5 ).

The body of the Son of God died on the cross to suffer and pay for our sins by God, and the spirit of the Son of God went to hell for the punishment of our sins that we did to God.
But when the Son of God was risen from the death by God then His spirit was removed from hell by God and restored to the body that He received from God, however, then His body was renewed by God into a spiritual body that would go to heaven with God.
( Acts 2: 22-32 ).

The body of the Son of God was changed into a spiritual body by God after He was risen from the death by God.
( 1 Peter 3:18 ).

Our spirit will also be placed into a spiritual body at the resurrection of our body by God, that new body will last forever that we will receive from God, and our spirit will live in that body forever with God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:35-50 ).

When the spirit of the Son of God was removed from hell by God, and He received His spiritual body from God, then the Son went back to hell in His spiritual body to preach to the spirits in hell who on this world did not obey God. Jesus Christ the Son of God preached to those spirits in hell the saving grace of God before he wend back to heaven by God, for Jesus Christ the Son of God also died for their sins on the cross to be forgiven of their sins by God and for them to be accepted by God.
( 1 Peter 3:18 ).

There will come a opportunity for the spirit in hell to be saved by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God at the last judgment-day of God, but they must be willing to repent of their sins by God and they must be willing to accept Jesus the Son of God as their only hope to be accepted by God. That is why Jesus the Son of God when into hell after He was risen from the death by God to preach to the spirits in hell the good news of God to tell those spirits that there is also hope for them to make things right with God.
( 1:Peter 3:18-21 )( 1 Peter 4: 6 ).

That is also why people can be baptized for other people that have died who were not baptized to have their sins forgiven by God and who did not live on this world for God, for all people will received a opportunity from God to repent of their sins before God, and for all people to accept the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:29 ).

Those Spirits in hell will remain in hell until the final judgment-day of God. But if those people do not repent in hell at the last judgment-day of God and they are not willing to accept Jesus Christ the Son of God as their only Savior to be accepted by God then they will be punished in the lake of fire forever by God.
( Revelation 20:11-15 ).

All of the spirits of people that have died are placed in a waiting place by God. In heaven if they have obeyed God.( Revelation 6: 9-11 ). And in hell if they did not obey God ( 1 Peter 3:19-20 ).

All of the spirits of people that are in heaven by God will receive someday a new body from God at the resurrection of God at the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God, and the people that live on the world at the return of Jesus the Son of God that have on this world obeyed God will also receive a new body from God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:35-56 ).

But also the spirits of the people that are in hell their bodies will also be resurrected by God, but not at the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Revelation 20:13-14).

For not all people will receive a new body at the same time from God. There will be two resurrections from God, the people that have died and live in heaven by God and the people who live on this world and obey God will take part in the first resurrection of God at the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Revelation 20:4-6 )

Those people will receive a new body from God that is a spiritual body at the first resurrection of God when the Son of God returns to this world from heaven by God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 ).

Those people will rule this world from heaven for a thousand years with Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Revelation 20:4-5).

All of the other people that die in that thousand years on this world and are accepted in heaven by God must wait till that thousand years are ended then their bodies will be resurrected by God, and then they will receive a new body from God and then their spirits will be placed in that new body by God. The people that live on this world at the end of that thousand years will then also be judged by God.
( Revelation 20:12-13 ).

The people that are punished for their sins in hell by God will also be resurrected at the end of those thousand years by God, and then they will also be placed before the judgment seat of God. If those people in hell repent of their sins before God and they accept Jesus Christ the Son of God as their only hope to be accepted by God then they will be forgiven of their sins by God, and then they will live on the new world with God and with the Son of God and with all of the other people that did on this world obey God. But if people reject the grace of God at the last judgment-day of God then they will remain in their sins, and then they will be placed in eternal punishment for their sins in everlasting fire by God.
( Revelation 20:11-15 ).

After the last resurrection and Judgment-day of God then everything in heaven and on this world will be renewed by God.
( Revelation 21:1-5 ).

When we live on the renewed world with God then we live in fullness with God for then the Spirit lives within us of God. But we can also live in this life in fullness on this world with God if we ask for the indwelling of the Spirit of God. If we truly humble ourselves before God and beg to be forgiven of our sins by God and we truly open our heart to God and truly surrender our whole life to God and we ask for the indwelling of the Spirit of God then we will receive the Holy Spirit within us of God.
( Luke 11:9-13 ).

When we have received the Holy Spirit within of God then we become one with God, and then we can live on this world in friendship and fullness with God, for then God lives within us by the Spirit of God. Then our body is not only the dwelling place of our spirit, but then it is also the dwelling place of the Spirit of God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 )( 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 )
( 2 Corinthians 6:16 ).

When we receive the Holy Spirit within of God then we will not only feel that we belong to God, but then God will also speak personally within us by the Spirit of God.
( Romans 8:16 ).

When we are told within by God by the Spirit of God that we have things right with God only then are we on our way to heaven by God, there is no other way to have that assurance from God. Everything else is make-believe; it has nothing to do with God.
( Romans 8:16 )( 2 Corinthians 1:22 )( Ephesians 1:13-14 )
( Ephesians 4:30 )( 1 John 3:24 )( 1 John 4:13 ).

The Holy Spirit within us of God must also teach us the way and will of God that is the only way that we can know the will and way of God. We must always listen to voice within our mind from God by the Spirit of God, for only then are we on our way to heaven with God. All other ways are manmade ways, but they will never lead us to heaven with God.
( John 14:26 )( 1 John 2:26-27 ).

Our believes about God will never make us right with God, for our believes about God can be the work of satan, not of God. And our feelings within that we think come from God can be the work of satan, not of God. And our religions that we keep to please God may also be the work of satan, not of God. And the good works we think we do for God can also be the work of satan, not of God.
( Matthew 7:21-23 ).

It is only by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God that we are accepted by God, all other ways lead to hell not to heaven by God.
( Ephesians 2:4-9 ).

And it is only by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God that we are part of God.
( Romans 8:9 ).

And we can only live for God by the Holy Spirit within us of God.
( Romans 8:4-14 ).

We must listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking within us of God, for the Spirit within us of God will tell us that we are doing things right or wrong for God. That is the only way that we can know that we are pleasing God. We must allow the Spirit of God to have full control of our life if we wish to please God and wish to go to heaven with God.
( Ephesians 4:30 ).

When we have received the Holy Spirit within us of God then we can live in fullness on this world with God. But we must allow the Holy Spirit full control of our life if we wish to live that way with God, and we must truly love God. If we live by the Spirit of God then we can live the same way on this world with God as Adam Eve lived with God before they turned their back on God. Jesus Christ the Son of God paid for our sins on the cross to restore our relationship with God that was broken by Adam and Eve when they turned their back on God. Jesus Christ the Son of God did not only pay for our sins on the cross for us to go to heaven with God, but the Son of God also paid for our sins on the cross so that we can live on this world in friendship and fullness with God as Adam and Eve lived before they turn their back on God. Adam and Eve made all of us a slave to satan and sin when they obeyed satan and turned their back on God. But Adam and Eve did not only destroy our relationship with God for we all sinned against God, but the Son of God set us free from that bondage of satan and sin when He paid for all the sins on the cross that separate us from God.
( Romans 5:12-19 ).

If we do not live on this world in friendship and fullness with God like Adam and Eve lived before they turned their back on God then we do not live our life on this world as it was intended for us to live on this world with God. If we do not live in fullness on this world with God then we belittle the love of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, and then we belittle the suffering of the Son of God when He died for our sins on the cross to restore our relationship with God to live in friendship and fullness on this world with God.
( John 3:16-18 ).


Posted by George Soepboer Sr

The last judgment day of God
Judgment-day is everyday from God whenever people die they are judged by God. When people die their spirit will be placed in hell to be punished for their sins by God, or their spirit will be accepted in heaven by God if on this world they have obeyed God.
( Luke 16:19-31 ).

However, that is not the final judgment-day of God. The final judgment-day of God will end all judgment of God. After that Judgment-day people will be forever removed from the love of God, or they will live forever in the glory of God with God.
( revelation 20:11-15 ).

Nevertheless, everyday is judgment-day, when some one dies then their spirit is judged by God.
If we have accepted Jesus the Son of God as our only hope to be forgiven of our sins by God, and we have lived on this world for God and with God, then our spirit is heaven with God. But if people on the world have turned their back on God then they will be condemned by God, and then their spirit is punished for their sins in hell by God.
( Revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 ).

Without Jesus Christ the Son of God no one will ever be accepted by God, for the Son of God paid for our sins by God, therefore only through Jesus Christ the Son of God are we accepted by God.
( John 3:18 )( John 5:24 )
( John 14:6 )( 1 John 5:11-12 ).

We must accept the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God if we wish to be forgiven of our sins by God and if we wish to go to heaven with God. Without Jesus the Son of God we have no hope to find an open door by God and to be accepted in heaven with God, for than our sins remain between us and God, for Jesus the Son of God paid for our sins by God.
( Romans 3:21-26 ).

The doors of heaven are opened for us by God through Jesus the Son of God, for the Son of God died on the cross to pay for that gift for us by God.
( Revelation 7:13-15 ).

It is a gift from God through Jesus Christ the Son of God to be accepted by God, and to receive the privilege of acceptance in heaven by God.
( John 3:16-18 ).

That gift from God can only be received by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God. If we wish to be part of that grace of God then we must humbly ask for that gift of God by God, for that is the only way we will ever receive that gift from God.
( Ephesians 2:4-9 ).

All of that does not mean that we cannot be condemned by God when we are part of God through the Son of God, for when we become part of God through Jesus the Son of God, and we have received the Holy Spirit within of God, then we have received a new life within from God. In that new life we must live for God if we wish to go to heaven by God.
( Romans 8:4-14 ).

We will be judged by God how we have lived in that new life on this world with God and for God.
( Romans 14:10-12 )( 2 Corinthians 5:9-10 )( 1 Peter 4:17-18 ).

If we are forgiven of our sins by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, and we have received the Holy Spirit within of God, that only gives us the privilege to come and stand before God to be judged by God how we have lived in that new life on this world for God. All of the other people do not receive that privilege from God, for those people are condemned by God before that they die because those people did not accept that free gift from God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( John 3:18 ).

When we have received a new life within from God by the grace of God through Jesus the Son of God that is only the beginning of our life with God, then we must live in that new life on this world with God and for God. If we are not faithful in that new life that we have received within from God then we also will be condemned by God.
( John 15:1-2 )( Matthew 25:1-30 ).

However, we cannot work our way to heaven with God without humbling ourselves before God and beg for the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God to be forgiven of our sins by God. No one will ever be forgiven of their sins by God if they do not place their faith in the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, for it is the Son of God who paid for our sins by God to reconcile us with God. If we do not place our faith in the grace of God through Jesus the Son of God then we are condemned for our sins by God, for we all have sinned against God, and the only way to be forgiven of our sins by God is by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Romans 1:1-17 )( Romans 5:1-2 )( Hebrews 10:19-39 ).

Only if we beg for the grace of God by God through Jesus Christ the Son of God will we ever be accepted by God. Without the grace of God through Jesus the Son of God our sins will forever stand between us and God, for only Jesus the Son of God paid for our sins by God. We cannot make ourselves right by God; and no one else can make us right with God, and nothing else can make us right with God, Jesus Christ the Son of God is the only way to God. No one will ever be accepted by God without Jesus Christ the Son of God. If we are not willing to humble ourselves before God and beg for mercy by God and accept Jesus the Son of God as our only hope for acceptance by God then we are void to God, for there is no other way to God.
( John 1:4 )( John 3:16-18 )( John 14:6 )
( John 8:36 )( John 10:9 )( John 11:25 )
( Galatians 2:16 )( Hebrews 9:11-28 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God is our only lifeline to God, for He opened the way for us by God when He paid with His life for our sins by God. There is no forgiveness of our sins in any other way by God.
( Acts 10:43 )( Acts 13:37-39 )( Acts 22:16 )
( Acts 26:15-18 )( Ephesians 4:32 )
( Colossians 1:12-14 )( 1 John 2:12 )

Only through Jesus the Son of God will we also enter into heaven with God. There is no other hope for anyone apart from Jesus the Son of God to enter into heaven with God.
( Revelation 7:13-15 ).

We must not place hope in ourselves to make things right with God and to be accepted in heaven by God, for we can never make things right with God. We must place our hope in the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God when we seek forgiveness for our sins by God, for only then are we forgiven of our sins by God.
( Acts 20:21 )( Romans 3:21-26 )( Romans 5:1 )
( Galatians 2:16-21 )( Revelation 14:12 ).

We can never please God without having faith in God, and we can never please God without having saving faith in the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, for the Son of God paid for our sins by God to make us welcome by God.
( Romans 14:23 )( Hebrews 4:2 )

However, we must show our faith in God and the Son of God by the way we live for God and live for the Son of God, for that is the only way that we can prove that we have faith in God and have faith in the saving work of God through the Son of God. Therefore we must not only place our faith in the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God, we must also obey God and live for God and the Son of God. We can only prove our love for God and faith in God, and our love for the Son of God by the way we live for God and live for the Son of God.
( Romans 3:31 )( James 2:14-26 )( Revelation 14:12 ).

If we have accepted the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God and do our best on this world for God then we will not only go to heaven to be with God but then we will also be rewarded in heaven by God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 )( Matthew 5:11-12 )
( Matthew 16:27 )( Luke 6:22-23 )
( Revelation 22:12 ).

When we have not done our best on this world for God but are accepted in heaven by the grace of God then we are not be rewarded by God, and then we have to live in heaven with deep regrets that we did not do our best on this world for God and for Jesus the Son of God.
( 1 Corinthians 3:15 ).

For if we have not done our best on this world for God we will have to live in heaven with that burden of grieve and we will yearn to go back to this world and truly prove our love for God.
( Revelation 3:1-6 )( Ephesians 4:1 )( Colossians 1:10 )
( 1 Thessalonians 2:10-12 )( 2 Thessalonians 1:5 ).

Therefore, when we have received forgiveness from God by the grace of God and we have received the Spirit within of God then we must live in that new life on this world in fullness with God and for God.
( Romans 8:4-14 ).

Only when we have lived on this world by the Spirit of God are we accepted in heaven by God. However, if we have not done our best on this world for God then we will not receive praise from God, but then we will receive a frown from God when we inter into heaven by God. Not only will we receive a frown from God and the Son of God, but we will also receive a frown from all the other Christians in heaven by God, for all things will be revealed in heaven by God.
( Luke12:2 ).

We must do our best on this world for God and for Jesus the Son of God if we wish to be happy in heaven with God and with the Son of God, and if we wish to be happy with all of the other Christians that are in heaven with God.
( 2 John 8 ).

If we did not do our best on this world for God then we must carry that burden in heaven until everything is made new by God and we live on the new world that will be created by God, for only then all of them memories are removed from our mind by the grace of God.
( Revelation 21:1-5 ).

Nevertheless, if we refuse to live on this world for God and the Son of God after we have received a new life within from God then we will end up hell when we die, not into heaven with God.
( Revelation 3:1-6 ).

We will never be welcomed in heaven by God if on this world our whole heart is not with God.
A halfhearted Christian end up in hell, not in heaven by God, for a halfhearted Christians is hated by God.
( Revelation 3:14-22 ).

Our heart cannot be in the things of this world and be with God, for if we love the things of this world then we do not love God.
( Matthew 6:24 )( Luke 16:13 )
( James 4:4 )( 1 John 2:15-17 )

We also cannot please people and please God, for if we seek to please people then our heart is not with God.
( John 5:44 )( John 12:42-43 )
( Luke 6:26 )( John 15:18-20 ).

There is also a judgment-day of God when Jesus the Son of God will return from heaven by God, to remove all of the faithful Christians who live at that time on the world for God. But that judgment-day is also not the final judgment-day of God.
( Matthew 25:31-32 ).

After Jesus the Son of God returns from heaven to this world to judge the Christians on this world for God then Jesus the Son of God will return to heaven and rule this world for a thousand years from heaven by God until the final judgment-day of God.
( Revelation 20:4-6 ).

The final judgment-day will not be for the faithful Christians who died before the return of Jesus the Son of God, for they were all judged when they died by God and they are now in heaven by God. the final Judgment-day also will not be for the faithful Christians who live at the time when the Son of God return to this world for God, for they will be judged by the return of the Son of God, and they are also in heaven by God.
( Revelation 7:9-17 ).

All of the spirits of the Christians that are in heaven by God will at the time of the return of Jesus the Son of God receive a new body from God, and all of the faithful Christians that live on this world at the return of the Son of God also will receive a new body from God, and those Christians will live in heaven with their new body for a thousand years with God and with Jesus the Son of God.
( 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 ).

All of those Christians will be part of the first resurrection of God, and they will rule with Jesus Christ the Son of God from heaven for a thousand years this world for God.
( Revelation 20:4-6 ).

Those Christians will not only rule from heaven with Jesus the Son of God, but they will also be part of judging the people at the final judgment-day of God. Those Christians will not only judge people at that time with Jesus Christ the Son of God, but they will also judge the falling angels with Jesus at that time who did not obey God.
( 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 ).

At the end of that thousand years rule of Jesus the Son of God then will come the last and final judgment-day of God. That judgment-day of God will not be for people who ruled with Jesus for the thousand years for God, for they are of the first resurrection of God.
( Revelation 20:6 ).

The last resurrection will be for all of the people who did not have part in the first resurrection of God that will be the second and last resurrection of God. At that time all of the people who were not part of the first resurrection of God will be part of the second resurrection of God.
( Revelation 20:11-13 ).

Also the spirits of the people who are in hell that are punished for their sins by God because on this world they did not obey God will be part of that resurrection of God, and those people will receive a chance to repent of their sins before God, and seek their hope in Jesus the Son of God to be forgiven of their sins by God. That is why Jesus the Son of God went into hell after He died on the cross for our sins by God to tell those people in hell that He also paid for their sins on the cross to be forgiven of their sins by God.
( 1 Peter 3: 18-22 )(1 Peter 4:6 )

That is also why the living Christians can be baptized for the dead to have the sins of those people washed away by God, for all of the people in hell will someday receive a chance to repent of their sins by God and make things right with God, and place their hope in the Jesus Christ the Son of God for forgiveness of their sins by God. However, they must repent of their sins by God and place their hope of salvation from God through Jesus the Son of God, then they will be forgiven of their sins by God, and then they will be accepted by God.
( 1 Corinthians 15:29 ).

Jesus Christ the Son of God paid for the sins of all people by God.
( 1 Peter 3:18 ).

Eternal life with God is for all people that humble themselves before God and beg for mercy by God in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God.
( Revelation 22:17 ).

For it is by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the Son of God that all people can be saved from the punishment for their sins in hell from God, for Jesus the Son of God opened the way for us to God when He came to this world to paid with His life for our sins by God. But we must beg for that grace of God by God if we wish to have our sins forgiven by God. There is no other way for us to find acceptance by God and to be forgiven of our sins by God.
( Ephesians 2:4-9 ).

At the last judgment-day of God all of the people who are in hell will also know that there is hope for them by God if they seek forgiveness of their sins by God in the name of Jesus the Son of God. However, anyone who is not willing to accept that last chance from God to repent of his or her sins before God, and is not willing to accept the Son of God as his or her only Savior to God, will be punished in the lake of fire forever for their sins by God.
( Revelation 20:14-15 ).

All of the judging will be done by Jesus Christ the Son of God, not by God, for all judgment is given to Jesus the Son of God, by God.
( Matthew 16:27 )( Matthew 25:31-33 )
( John 5:22 )( Acts 17:30-31 ).

However, Jesus Christ the Son of God does not judge by His own judgment but He will judge all in the name of God and in the authority and power of God.
( John 5:25-30 ).

Some will be judged with harshness by the Son of God at the last judgment-day of God for not willing to live on this world for God. Other will not receive that harshness at the last judgment- day of God by the Son of God for they did not know the will and way of God. But God will give all people a chance to repent before God and to become right with God through the Son of God.
( Matthew 10 :11-15 )( Matthew 11:20-24 ).

Christians that are in heaven with God will judge with the Son of God all of the people who do not live for God at the last judgment-day of God.
( 1 Corinthians 6:2 ).

However, all of the people who claim to be Christians must be judged now on this world by the Christians in the name of God. For if we do not judge the Christians who do not live for God then we are not faithful to God.
( 1 Corinthians 5:9-15 ).

Nevertheless, Christians may not judge Christians because they live different with God and for God. Christians may only judge other Christians if they do not obey God.
( Romans 14:1-12 )( Colossians 2:16 ).

We will be judged on this world by God in the same way as we judge others on this world in the name of God. Therefore we must be careful how we judge people on this world in the name of God, for we may not wish to be judged in the same way by God as we judge others in the name of God.
( Matthew 7:1-5 ).